Deuteronomy 17:2-7
Someone living among you might do what is evil in the sight of the Lord your God. It might happen in one of the towns the Lord is giving you. That person is breaking the Lord’ s covenant.The person might have worshiped or bowed down to other gods. That person might have bowed down to the sun or moon or stars in the sky. I have commanded you not to do these things.When you hear that people have done something like that, check the matter out carefully. If it’s true, an evil thing has been done in Israel. The Lord hates that.So take the person who has done that evil thing to your city gate. Put that person to death by throwing stones at them.Two or three witnesses are required to put someone to death. No one can be put to death because of what only one witness says. Two or three witnesses are required.The witnesses must throw the first stones. Then the rest of the people must also throw stones. Get rid of that evil person.
Job 31:11
Wanting another woman would have been an evil thing. It would have been a sin that should be judged.
Joshua 24:27
“ Look!” he said to all the people.“ This stone will be a witness against us. It has heard all the words the Lord has spoken to us. Suppose you aren’t faithful to your God. Then the stone will be a witness against you.”
Job 9:15
Even if I hadn’t done anything wrong, I couldn’t answer him. I could only beg my Judge to have mercy on me.
Hebrews 12:23
You have come to the church of God’s people. God’s first and only Son is over all things. God’s people share in what belongs to his Son. Their names are written in heaven. You have come to God, who is the Judge of all people. You have come to the spirits of godly people who have been made perfect.
Psalms 50:6
The heavens announce that what God decides is right. That’s because he is a God of justice.
Genesis 18:25
You would never kill godly people along with those who are evil, would you? Would you treat them all alike? You would never do anything like that! Won’t the Judge of the whole earth do what is right?”
Proverbs 30:9
If you don’t, I might have too much. Then I might say I don’t know you. I might say,‘ Who is the Lord?’ Or I might become poor and steal. Then I would bring shame to the name of my God.
Job 23:7
There honest people can prove to him they’re not guilty. There my Judge would tell me once and for all that I’m not guilty.
Judges 11:27
I haven’t done anything wrong to you. But you are doing something wrong to me. You have gone to war against me. The Lord is the Judge. So let him decide our case today. Let him settle matters between the Israelites and the Ammonites.”
2 Peter 2 1
But there were also false prophets among the people. In the same way there will be false teachers among you. In secret they will bring in teachings that will destroy you. They will even turn against the Lord and Master who died to pay for their sins. So they will quickly destroy themselves.
Joshua 24:23
“ Now then,” said Joshua,“ throw away the statues of the gods that are among you. People from other lands serve those gods. Give yourselves completely to the Lord. He is the God of Israel.”
Deuteronomy 17:9
Go to a priest, who is a Levite. And go to the judge who is in office at that time. Ask them for their decision. They will give it to you.
Titus 1:16
They claim to know God. But their actions show they don’t know him. They are hated by God. They refuse to obey him. They aren’t fit to do anything good.
1John 2:23
Jude 1:4
Certain people have secretly slipped in among you. Long ago it was written that they would be judged. They are ungodly people. They misuse the grace of our God as an excuse for sexual sins. They say no to Jesus Christ, our only Lord and King.