Job 24:24
They are exalted for a moment, then gone; they are brought low and shrivel up like everything else. They wither like heads of grain.
Psalms 58:9
Before your pots can feel the heat of the thorns— whether green or burning— he will sweep them away.
Psalms 73:19-20
How suddenly they become a desolation! They come to an end, swept away by terrors.Like one waking from a dream, Lord, when arising, you will despise their image.
Jeremiah 8:2
They will be exposed to the sun, the moon, and all the stars in the sky, which they have loved, served, followed, consulted, and worshiped. Their bones will not be collected and buried but will become like manure on the soil’s surface.
Job 7:8
The eye of anyone who looks on me will no longer see me. Your eyes will look for me, but I will be gone.
Job 21:30
Indeed, the evil person is spared from the day of disaster, rescued from the day of wrath.
Matthew 3:12
His winnowing shovel is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor and gather his wheat into the barn. But the chaff he will burn with fire that never goes out.”
Genesis 49:10
The scepter will not depart from Judah or the staff from between his feet until he whose right it is comes and the obedience of the peoples belongs to him.
Matthew 23:37
“ Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her. How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!
Job 21:23-26
One person dies in excellent health, completely secure and at ease.His body is well fed, and his bones are full of marrow.Yet another person dies with a bitter soul, having never tasted prosperity.But they both lie in the dust, and worms cover them.
Job 8:22
Your enemies will be clothed with shame; the tent of the wicked will no longer exist.
Job 14:10
But a person dies and fades away; he breathes his last— where is he?
Job 30:23
Yes, I know that you will lead me to death— the place appointed for all who live.
Job 20:7-9
he will vanish forever like his own dung. Those who know him will ask,“ Where is he?”He will fly away like a dream and never be found; he will be chased away like a vision in the night.The eye that saw him will see him no more, and his household will no longer see him.
Job 14:12-15
so people lie down never to rise again. They will not wake up until the heavens are no more; they will not stir from their sleep.If only you would hide me in Sheol and conceal me until your anger passes. If only you would appoint a time for me and then remember me.When a person dies, will he come back to life? If so, I would wait all the days of my struggle until my relief comes.You would call, and I would answer you. You would long for the work of your hands.