Ecclesiastes 7:17
Don’t be too sinful. And don’t be foolish. Why die before your time comes?
Job 22:16
They were carried off even before they died. Their foundations were washed away by a flood.
Psalms 55:23
God, you will bring sinners down to the grave. Murderers and liars won’t live out even half of their lives. But I trust in you.
Job 18:16-17
Their roots dry up under them. Their branches dry up above them.No one on earth remembers them. Their names are forgotten in the land.
Hosea 14:5-7
I will be like the dew to Israel. They will bloom like a lily. They will send their roots down deep like a cedar tree in Lebanon.They will spread out like new branches. They will be as beautiful as an olive tree. They will smell as sweet as the cedar trees in Lebanon.Once again my people will live in the safety of my shade. They will grow like grain. They will bloom like vines. And Israel will be as famous as wine from Lebanon.
John 15:6
If you don’t remain joined to me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and dries up. Branches like those are picked up. They are thrown into the fire and burned.
Psalms 52:5-8
So God will destroy you forever. He will grab you and pluck you from your tent. He will remove you from this life.Those who do what is right will see it and learn a lesson from it. They will laugh at you and say,“ Just look at this fellow! He didn’t depend on God for his safety. He put his trust in all his wealth. He grew strong by destroying others!”But I am like a healthy olive tree. My roots are deep in the house of God. I trust in your faithful love for ever and ever.
Job 8:16-19
They are like a plant in the sunshine that receives plenty of water. It spreads its new growth all over the garden.It wraps its roots around a pile of rocks. It tries to find places to grow among the stones.But when the plant is pulled up from its spot, that place says,‘ I never saw you.’The life of that plant is sure to dry up. But from the same soil other plants will grow.
Ezekiel 17:8-10
The seed had been planted in good soil near plenty of water. Then it could produce branches and bear fruit. It could become a beautiful vine.” ’“ Ezekiel, tell the Israelites,‘ The Lord and King asks,“ Will the vine grow? Won’t it be pulled up by its roots? Won’t all its fruit be stripped off? Won’t it dry up? All its new growth will dry up. It will not take a strong arm or many people to pull it up.It has been planted, but will it grow? No. It will dry up completely when the east wind strikes it. It will dry up in the place where it grew.” ’ ”
Isaiah 27:11
When their twigs are dry, they will be broken off. Then women will come and make fires with them. The people of Jacob don’t understand the Lord. So the God who made them won’t be concerned about them. Their Creator won’t be kind to them.
Hosea 9:16
Ephraim is like a worthless plant. Its roots are dried up. It does not produce any fruit. Suppose Ephraim’s people have children. Then I will kill the children they love so much.”
Job 14:7-9
“ At least there is hope for a tree. If it’s cut down, it will begin to grow again. New branches will appear on it.Its roots may grow old in the ground. Its stump may die in the soil.But when it smells water, it will begin to grow. It will send out new growth like a plant.