Matthew 14:33
Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying,“ Truly you are the Son of God.”
Matthew 28:9
But Jesus met them, saying,“ Greetings!” They came to him, held on to his feet and worshiped him.
Psalms 45:11
Then the king will be attracted by your beauty. After all, he is your master! Submit to him!
Revelation 5:9-14
They were singing a new song:“ You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals because you were killed, and at the cost of your own blood you have purchased for God persons from every tribe, language, people, and nation.You have appointed them as a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth.”Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels in a circle around the throne, as well as the living creatures and the elders. Their number was ten thousand times ten thousand– thousands times thousands–all of whom were singing in a loud voice:“ Worthy is the lamb who was killed to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and praise!”Then I heard every creature– in heaven, on earth, under the earth, in the sea, and all that is in them– singing:“ To the one seated on the throne and to the Lamb be praise, honor, glory, and ruling power forever and ever!”And the four living creatures were saying“ Amen,” and the elders threw themselves to the ground and worshiped.
Psalms 2:12
Give sincere homage! Otherwise he will be angry, and you will die because of your behavior, when his anger quickly ignites. How blessed are all who take shelter in him!
Luke 24:52
So they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy,
John 20:28
Thomas replied to him,“ My Lord and my God!”
Matthew 28:17
When they saw him, they worshiped him, but some doubted.