2John 1:9
John 15:4-9
Remain in Me, and I in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself but must remain in the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in Me.I am the vine, you are the branches; the one who remains in Me, and I in him bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.If anyone does not remain in Me, he is thrown away like a branch and dries up; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned.If you remain in Me, and My words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples.Just as the Father has loved Me, I also have loved you; remain in My love.
2 Timothy 3 14
You, however, continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them,
1 Timothy 4 16
Pay close attention to yourself and to the teaching; persevere in these things, for as you do this you will save both yourself and those who hear you.
John 6:66-71
As a result of this many of His disciples left, and would no longer walk with Him.So Jesus said to the twelve,“ You do not want to leave also, do you?”Simon Peter answered Him,“ Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life.And we have already believed and have come to know that You are the Holy One of God.”Jesus answered them,“ Did I Myself not choose you, the twelve? And yet one of you is a devil.”Now He meant Judas the son of Simon Iscariot; for he, one of the twelve, was going to betray Him.
1 Samuel 12 14
If you will fear the Lord and serve Him, and listen to His voice and not rebel against the command of the Lord, then both you and the king who reigns over you will follow the Lord your God.
Colossians 1:23
if indeed you continue in the faith firmly established and steadfast, and not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you have heard, which was proclaimed in all creation under heaven, and of which I, Paul, was made a minister.
Hebrews 3:14
For we have become partakers of Christ if we keep the beginning of our commitment firm until the end,
James 1:25
But one who has looked intently at the perfect law, the law of freedom, and has continued in it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an active doer, this person will be blessed in what he does.
Romans 2:7
to those who by perseverance in doing good seek glory, honor, and immortality, He will give eternal life;
John 1:47
Jesus saw Nathanael coming to Him, and* said of him,“ Here is truly an Israelite, in whom there is no deceit!”
Romans 11:22
See then the kindness and severity of God: to those who fell, severity, but to you, God’s kindness, if you continue in His kindness; for otherwise you too will be cut off.
John 6:55
For My flesh is true food, and My blood is true drink.
1John 2:19
Hebrews 10:38-39
But My righteous one will live by faith; And if he shrinks back, My soul has no pleasure in him.But we are not among those who shrink back to destruction, but of those who have faith for the safekeeping of the soul.
Matthew 24:13
But the one who endures to the end is the one who will be saved.
John 8:36
So if the Son sets you free, you really will be free.
1 John 2 24
As for you, see that what you heard from the beginning remains in you. If what you heard from the beginning remains in you, you also will remain in the Son and in the Father.
Acts 14:22
strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith, and saying,“ It is through many tribulations that we must enter the kingdom of God.”
Hebrews 8:9
Not like the covenant which I made with their fathers On the day I took them by the hand To bring them out of the land of Egypt; For they did not continue in My covenant, And I did not care about them, says the Lord.
1 Timothy 2 15
But women will be preserved through childbirth— if they continue in faith, love, and sanctity, with moderation.
Acts 13:43
Now when the meeting of the synagogue had broken up, many of the Jews and the God fearing proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas, who were speaking to them and urging them to continue in the grace of God.
Acts 26:22
So, having obtained help from God, I stand to this day testifying both to small and great, stating nothing but what the Prophets and Moses said was going to take place,
1 Timothy 5 3-1 Timothy 5 5
Honor widows who are actually widows;but if any widow has children or grandchildren, they must first learn to show proper respect for their own family and to give back compensation to their parents; for this is acceptable in the sight of God.Now she who is actually a widow and has been left alone has set her hope on God, and she continues in requests and prayers night and day.