John 18:12
So the band and the chief captain, and the officers of the Jews, seized Jesus and bound him,
Luke 22:47-53
While he yet spake, behold, a multitude, and he that was called Judas, one of the twelve, went before them; and he drew near unto Jesus to kiss him.But Jesus said unto him, Judas, betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss?And when they that were about him saw what would follow, they said, Lord, shall we smite with the sword?And a certain one of them smote the servant of the high priest, and struck off his right ear.But Jesus answered and said, Suffer ye them thus far. And he touched his ear, and healed him.And Jesus said unto the chief priests, and captains of the temple, and elders, that were come against him, Are ye come out, as against a robber, with swords and staves?When I was daily with you in the temple, ye stretched not forth your hands against me: but this is your hour, and the power of darkness.
Acts 1:16
Brethren, it was needful that the scripture should be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit spake before by the mouth of David concerning Judas, who was guide to them that took Jesus.
Matthew 26:47-56
And while he yet spake, lo, Judas, one of the twelve, came, and with him a great multitude with swords and staves, from the chief priests and elders of the people.Now he that betrayed him gave them a sign, saying, Whomsoever I shall kiss, that is he: take him.And straightway he came to Jesus, and said, Hail, Rabbi; and kissed him.And Jesus said unto him, Friend, do that for which thou art come. Then they came and laid hands on Jesus, and took him.And behold, one of them that were with Jesus stretched out his hand, and drew his sword, and smote the servant of the high priest, and struck off his ear.Then saith Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into its place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.Or thinkest thou that I cannot beseech my Father, and he shall even now send me more than twelve legions of angels?How then should the scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must be?In that hour said Jesus to the multitudes, Are ye come out as against a robber with swords and staves to seize me? I sat daily in the temple teaching, and ye took me not.But all this is come to pass, that the scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled. Then all the disciples left him, and fled.
John 13:2
And during supper, the devil having already put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, to betray him,
Psalms 22:12
Many bulls have compassed me; Strong bulls of Bashan have beset me round.
Mark 14:43-50
And straightway, while he yet spake, cometh Judas, one of the twelve, and with him a multitude with swords and staves, from the chief priests and the scribes and the elders.Now he that betrayed him had given them a token, saying, Whomsoever I shall kiss, that is he; take him, and lead him away safely.And when he was come, straightway he came to him, and saith, Rabbi; and kissed him.And they laid hands on him, and took him.But a certain one of them that stood by drew his sword, and smote the servant of the high priest, and struck off his ear.And Jesus answered and said unto them, Are ye come out, as against a robber, with swords and staves to seize me?I was daily with you in the temple teaching, and ye took me not: but this is done that the scriptures might be fulfilled.And they all left him, and fled.
Psalms 3:1-2
Jehovah, how are mine adversaries increased! Many are they that rise up against me.Many there are that say of my soul, There is no help for him in God.[ Selah
John 13:27-30
And after the sop, then entered Satan into him. Jesus therefore saith unto him, What thou doest, do quickly.Now no man at the table knew for what intent he spake this unto him.For some thought, because Judas had the bag, that Jesus said unto him, Buy what things we have need of for the feast; or, that he should give something to the poor.He then having received the sop went out straightway: and it was night.