1John 2:6
Galatians 2:20
I have been crucified with Christ. I don’t live any longer, but Christ lives in me. Now I live my life in my body by faith in the Son of God. He loved me and gave himself for me.
John 8:31
Jesus spoke to the Jews who had believed him.“ If you obey my teaching,” he said,“ you are really my disciples.
2John 1:9
John 6:56
Anyone who eats my body and drinks my blood remains in me. And I remain in them.
1 John 2 24-1 John 2 28
Make sure that you don’t forget what you have heard from the beginning. Then you will remain joined to the Son and to the Father.And here is what God has promised us. He has promised us eternal life.I’m writing these things to warn you. I am warning you about people trying to lead you astray.But you have received the Holy Spirit from God. He continues to live in you. So you don’t need anyone to teach you. God’s Spirit teaches you about everything. What he says is true. He doesn’t lie. Remain joined to Christ, just as you have been taught by the Spirit.Dear children, remain joined to Christ. Then when he comes, we can be bold. We will not be ashamed to meet him when he comes.
Philippians 1:11
You will be filled with the fruit of right living produced by Jesus Christ. All these things bring glory and praise to God.
John 15:5-7
“ I am the vine. You are the branches. If you remain joined to me, and I to you, you will bear a lot of fruit. You can’t do anything without me.If you don’t remain joined to me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and dries up. Branches like those are picked up. They are thrown into the fire and burned.If you remain joined to me and my words remain in you, ask for anything you wish. And it will be done for you.
Romans 8:9-10
But you are not ruled by the power of sin. Instead, the Holy Spirit rules over you. This is true if the Spirit of God lives in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to Christ.If Christ lives in you, you will live. Though your body will die because of sin, the Spirit gives you life. The Spirit does this because you have been made right with God.
John 14:20
On that day you will realize that I am in my Father. You will know that you are in me, and I am in you.
Ezekiel 15:2-5
“ Son of man, how is the wood of a vine different from the wood of any tree in the forest?Can its wood ever be made into anything useful? Can pegs be made from it to hang things on?Suppose it is thrown in the fire to be burned. And the fire burns both ends and blackens the middle. Then is the wood useful for anything?It was not useful when it was whole. So how can it be made into something useful now? The fire has burned it and blackened it.”
Luke 8:15
But the seed on good soil stands for those with an honest and good heart. Those people hear the message. They keep it in their hearts. They remain faithful and produce a good crop.
Colossians 2:6
You received Christ Jesus as Lord. So keep on living your lives in him.
John 17:23
I will be in them, just as you are in me. This is so that they may be brought together perfectly as one. Then the world will know that you sent me. It will also show the world that you have loved those you gave me, just as you have loved me.
Colossians 1:27
God has chosen to make known to them the glorious riches of that mystery. He has made it known among the Gentiles. And here is what it is. Christ is in you. He is your hope of glory.
Acts 14:22
There they helped the believers gain strength. They told them to remain faithful to what they had been taught.“ We must go through many hard times to enter God’s kingdom,” they said.
2 Corinthians 13 5
Take a good look at yourselves to see if you are really believers. Test yourselves. Don’t you realize that Christ Jesus is in you? Unless, of course, you fail the test!
Ephesians 3:17
Then Christ will live in your hearts because you believe in him. And I pray that your love will have deep roots. I pray that it will have a strong foundation.
Acts 11:23
When he arrived and saw what the grace of God had done, he was glad. He told them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts.
Colossians 1:23
But you must keep your faith steady and firm. You must not move away from the hope the good news holds out to you. This is the good news that you heard. It has been preached to every creature under heaven. I, Paul, now serve the good news.
Hosea 14:8
Ephraim will have nothing more to do with other gods. I will answer the prayers of my people. I will take good care of them. I will be like a healthy juniper tree to them. All the fruit they bear will come from me.”
John 6:68-69
Simon Peter answered him,“ Lord, who can we go to? You have the words of eternal life.We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.”
2 Corinthians 12 8-2 Corinthians 12 10
Three times I begged the Lord to take it away from me.But he said to me,“ My grace is all you need. My power is strongest when you are weak.” So I am very happy to brag about how weak I am. Then Christ’s power can rest on me.Because of how I suffered for Christ, I’m glad that I am weak. I am glad in hard times. I am glad when people say mean things about me. I am glad when things are difficult. And I am glad when people make me suffer. When I am weak, I am strong.
Jude 1:20-21
But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith. Let the Holy Spirit guide and help you when you pray.And by doing these things, remain in God’s love as you wait. You are waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you eternal life.
Hebrews 10:39
But we don’t belong to the people who pull back and are destroyed. We belong to the people who believe and are saved.
1 Thessalonians 3 5
That’s the reason I sent someone to find out about your faith. I couldn’t wait any longer. I was afraid that Satan had tempted you in some way. Then our work among you would have been useless.
Song of Solomon 8 5
“ Who is this woman coming up from the desert? She’s leaning on the one who loves her.”“ Under the apple tree I woke you up. That’s where your mother became pregnant with you. She went into labor, and you were born there.
Isaiah 27:10-11
Cities that have high walls around them will become empty. They will be settlements with no one in them. They will be like a desert. Calves will eat and lie down in them. They will strip bare the branches of their trees.When their twigs are dry, they will be broken off. Then women will come and make fires with them. The people of Jacob don’t understand the Lord. So the God who made them won’t be concerned about them. Their Creator won’t be kind to them.