Zechariah 12:10
“ Then I will pour out a spirit of grace and prayer on the house of David and the residents of Jerusalem, and they will look at Me whom they pierced. They will mourn for Him as one mourns for an only child and weep bitterly for Him as one weeps for a firstborn.
Jeremiah 4:8
Because of this, put on sackcloth; mourn and wail, for the Lord’s burning anger has not turned away from us.
Ezekiel 27:30-31
They raise their voices over you and cry out bitterly. They throw dust on their heads; they roll in ashes.They shave their heads because of you and wrap themselves in sackcloth. They weep over you with deep anguish and bitter mourning.
Lamentations 4:10
The hands of compassionate women have cooked their own children; they became their food during the destruction of my dear people.
Lamentations 4:6
The punishment of my dear people is greater than that of Sodom, which was overthrown in an instant without a hand laid on it.
Jeremiah 12:12
Over all the barren heights in the wilderness the destroyers have come, for the Lord has a sword that devours from one end of the earth to the other. No one has peace.
Jeremiah 13:17
But if you will not listen, my innermost being will weep in secret because of your pride. My eyes will overflow with tears, for the Lord’s flock has been taken captive.
Lamentations 2:11
My eyes are worn out from weeping; I am churning within. My heart is poured out in grief because of the destruction of my dear people, because children and infants faint in the streets of the city.
Jeremiah 14:17
You are to speak this word to them: Let my eyes overflow with tears; day and night may they not stop, for the virgin daughter of my people has been destroyed by a great disaster, an extremely severe wound.
Jeremiah 8:21-9:1
I am broken by the brokenness of my dear people. I mourn; horror has taken hold of me.Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? So why has the healing of my dear people not come about?If my head were a spring of water, my eyes a fountain of tears, I would weep day and night over the slain of my dear people.
Jeremiah 25:33-34
Those slain by the Lord on that day will be spread from one end of the earth to the other. They will not be mourned, gathered, or buried. They will be like manure on the surface of the ground.Wail, you shepherds, and cry out. Roll in the dust, you leaders of the flock. Because the days of your slaughter have come, you will fall and become shattered like a precious vase.
Jeremiah 4:20
Disaster after disaster is reported because the whole land is destroyed. Suddenly my tents are destroyed, my tent curtains, in a moment.
Isaiah 22:12
On that day the Lord God of Hosts called for weeping, for wailing, for shaven heads, and for the wearing of sackcloth.
Jeremiah 6:14
They have treated My people’s brokenness superficially, claiming,“ Peace, peace,” when there is no peace.
Isaiah 30:13
this iniquity of yours will be like a spreading breach, a bulge in a high wall whose collapse will come in an instant— suddenly!
Lamentations 4:3
Even jackals offer their breasts to nurse their young, but my dear people have become cruel like ostriches in the wilderness.
Amos 8:10
I will turn your feasts into mourning and all your songs into lamentation; I will cause everyone to wear sackcloth and every head to be shaved. I will make that grief like mourning for an only son and its outcome like a bitter day.
James 5:1
Come now, you rich people! Weep and wail over the miseries that are coming on you.
Lamentations 1:16
I weep because of these things; my eyes flow with tears. For there is no one nearby to comfort me, no one to keep me alive. My children are desolate because the enemy has prevailed.
Lamentations 3:48
My eyes flow with streams of tears because of the destruction of my dear people.
Micah 1:8-10
Because of this I will lament and wail; I will walk barefoot and naked. I will howl like the jackals and mourn like ostriches.For her wound is incurable and has reached even Judah; it has approached the gate of my people, as far as Jerusalem.Don’t announce it in Gath, don’t weep at all. Roll in the dust in Beth-leaphrah.
Jeremiah 15:8
I made their widows more numerous than the sand of the seas. I brought a destroyer at noon against the mother of young men. I suddenly released on her agitation and terrors.
Isaiah 22:4
Therefore I said,“ Look away from me! Let me weep bitterly! Do not try to comfort me about the destruction of my dear people.”
Lamentations 1:2
She weeps aloud during the night, with tears on her cheeks. There is no one to offer her comfort, not one from all her lovers. All her friends have betrayed her; they have become her enemies.
Jeremiah 4:11
“ At that time it will be said to this people and to Jerusalem,‘ A searing wind blows from the barren heights in the wilderness on the way to My dear people. It comes not to winnow or to sift;
Jeremiah 8:19
Listen— the cry of my dear people from a far away land,“ Is the Lord no longer in Zion, her King not within her?” Why have they provoked me to anger with their carved images, with their worthless foreign idols?
Isaiah 32:11
Shudder, you complacent ones; tremble, you overconfident ones! Strip yourselves bare and put sackcloth around your waists.
Jeremiah 9:17-22
This is what the Lord of Hosts says: Consider, and summon the women who mourn; send for the skillful women.Let them come quickly to raise a lament over us so that our eyes may overflow with tears, our eyelids soaked with weeping.For a sound of lamentation is heard from Zion: How devastated we are. We are greatly ashamed, for we have abandoned the land; our dwellings have been torn down.Now hear the word of the Lord, you women. Pay attention to the word of His mouth. Teach your daughters a lament and one another a dirge,for Death has climbed through our windows; it has entered our fortresses, cutting off children from the streets, young men from the squares.Speak as follows: This is what the Lord says: Human corpses will fall like manure on the surface of the field, like newly cut grain after the reaper with no one to gather it.
Luke 7:12
Just as He neared the gate of the town, a dead man was being carried out. He was his mother’s only son, and she was a widow. A large crowd from the city was also with her.
Jeremiah 9:10
I will raise weeping and a lament over the mountains, a dirge over the wilderness grazing land, for they have been so scorched that no one passes through. The sound of cattle is no longer heard. From the birds of the sky to the animals, everything has fled— they have gone away.
Ezekiel 7:16-18
The survivors among them will escape and live on the mountains like doves of the valley, all of them moaning, each over his own iniquity.All their hands will become weak, and all their knees will turn to water.They will put on sackcloth, and horror will overwhelm them. Shame will cover all their faces, and all their heads will be bald.
James 4:9
Be miserable and mourn and weep. Your laughter must change to mourning and your joy to sorrow.