イザヤ書 46:1
Bel bows down, Nebo stoops low; their idols are borne by beasts of burden. The images that are carried about are burdensome, a burden for the weary. (niv)
イザヤ書 19:1
A prophecy against Egypt: See, the Lord rides on a swift cloud and is coming to Egypt. The idols of Egypt tremble before him, and the hearts of the Egyptians melt with fear. (niv)
使徒の働き 14:15
“ Friends, why are you doing this? We too are only human, like you. We are bringing you good news, telling you to turn from these worthless things to the living God, who made the heavens and the earth and the sea and everything in them. (niv)
エレミヤ書 10:8
They are all senseless and foolish; they are taught by worthless wooden idols. (niv)
ゼパニヤ書 2:11
The Lord will be awesome to them when he destroys all the gods of the earth. Distant nations will bow down to him, all of them in their own lands. (niv)
エレミヤ書 46:25
The Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says:“ I am about to bring punishment on Amon god of Thebes, on Pharaoh, on Egypt and her gods and her kings, and on those who rely on Pharaoh. (niv)
ヨナ書 2:8
“ Those who cling to worthless idols turn away from God’s love for them. (niv)
エレミヤ書 43:12-13
He will set fire to the temples of the gods of Egypt; he will burn their temples and take their gods captive. As a shepherd picks his garment clean of lice, so he will pick Egypt clean and depart.There in the temple of the sun in Egypt he will demolish the sacred pillars and will burn down the temples of the gods of Egypt.’” (niv)
出エジプト記 12:12
“ On that same night I will pass through Egypt and strike down every firstborn of both people and animals, and I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt. I am the Lord. (niv)
エレミヤ書 18:15
Yet my people have forgotten me; they burn incense to worthless idols, which made them stumble in their ways, in the ancient paths. They made them walk in byways, on roads not built up. (niv)
エレミヤ書 48:7
Since you trust in your deeds and riches, you too will be taken captive, and Chemosh will go into exile, together with his priests and officials. (niv)
エレミヤ書 50:2
“ Announce and proclaim among the nations, lift up a banner and proclaim it; keep nothing back, but say,‘ Babylon will be captured; Bel will be put to shame, Marduk filled with terror. Her images will be put to shame and her idols filled with terror.’ (niv)
エレミヤ書 10:15
They are worthless, the objects of mockery; when their judgment comes, they will perish. (niv)