<< 耶利米書 4:5 >>


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  • 施約瑟淺文理新舊約聖經
  • New International Version
    “ Announce in Judah and proclaim in Jerusalem and say:‘ Sound the trumpet throughout the land!’ Cry aloud and say:‘ Gather together! Let us flee to the fortified cities!’
  • New International Reader's Version
    “ Announce my message in Judah. Tell it in Jerusalem. Say,‘ Blow trumpets all through the land!’ Give a loud shout and say,‘ Gather together! Let’s run to cities that have high walls around them!’
  • English Standard Version
    Declare in Judah, and proclaim in Jerusalem, and say,“ Blow the trumpet through the land; cry aloud and say,‘ Assemble, and let us go into the fortified cities!’
  • New Living Translation
    “ Shout to Judah, and broadcast to Jerusalem! Tell them to sound the alarm throughout the land:‘ Run for your lives! Flee to the fortified cities!’
  • Christian Standard Bible
    Declare in Judah, proclaim in Jerusalem, and say, Blow the ram’s horn throughout the land. Cry out loudly and say,“ Assemble yourselves, and let’s flee to the fortified cities.”
  • New American Standard Bible
    Declare in Judah and proclaim in Jerusalem, and say,“ Blow the trumpet in the land; Cry aloud and say,‘ Assemble, and let’s go Into the fortified cities.’
  • New King James Version
    Declare in Judah and proclaim in Jerusalem, and say:“ Blow the trumpet in the land; Cry,‘ Gather together,’ And say,‘ Assemble yourselves, And let us go into the fortified cities.’
  • American Standard Version
    Declare ye in Judah, and publish in Jerusalem; and say, Blow ye the trumpet in the land: cry aloud and say, Assemble yourselves, and let us go into the fortified cities.
  • Holman Christian Standard Bible
    Declare in Judah, proclaim in Jerusalem, and say: Blow the ram’s horn throughout the land. Cry out loudly and say: Assemble yourselves, and let’s flee to the fortified cities.
  • King James Version
    Declare ye in Judah, and publish in Jerusalem; and say, Blow ye the trumpet in the land: cry, gather together, and say, Assemble yourselves, and let us go into the defenced cities.
  • New English Translation
    The LORD said,“ Announce this in Judah and proclaim it in Jerusalem:‘ Sound the trumpet throughout the land!’ Shout out loudly,‘ Gather together! Let us flee into the fortified cities!’
  • World English Bible
    Declare in Judah, and publish in Jerusalem; and say,‘ Blow the trumpet in the land!’ Cry aloud and say,‘ Assemble yourselves! Let’s go into the fortified cities!’


  • 耶利米書 8:14
    我們為何靜坐不動呢?我們當聚集,進入堅固城,在那裏靜默不言;因為耶和華-我們的神使我們靜默不言,又將苦膽水給我們喝,都因我們得罪了耶和華。 (cunpt)
  • 耶利米書 6:1
    便雅憫人哪,你們要逃出耶路撒冷,在提哥亞吹角,在伯‧哈基琳立號旗;因為有災禍與大毀滅從北方張望。 (cunpt)
  • 約書亞記 10:20
    約書亞和以色列人大大殺敗他們,直到將他們滅盡;其中剩下的人都進了堅固的城。 (cunpt)
  • 何西阿書 8:1
    你用口吹角吧!敵人如鷹來攻打耶和華的家;因為這民違背我的約,干犯我的律法。 (cunpt)
  • 耶利米書 35:11
    巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒上此地來,我們因怕迦勒底的軍隊和亞蘭的軍隊,就說:『來吧,我們到耶路撒冷去。』這樣,我們才住在耶路撒冷。」 (cunpt)
  • 耶利米書 5:20
    當傳揚在雅各家,報告在猶大說: (cunpt)
  • 阿摩司書 3:6
    城中若吹角,百姓豈不驚恐呢?災禍若臨到一城,豈非耶和華所降的嗎? (cunpt)
  • 耶利米書 11:2
    「當聽這約的話,告訴猶大人和耶路撒冷的居民, (cunpt)
  • 以西結書 33:2-6
    「人子啊,你要告訴本國的子民說:我使刀劍臨到哪一國,那一國的民從他們中間選立一人為守望的。他見刀劍臨到那地,若吹角警戒眾民,凡聽見角聲不受警戒的,刀劍若來除滅了他,他的罪就必歸到自己的頭上。他聽見角聲,不受警戒,他的罪必歸到自己的身上;他若受警戒,便是救了自己的性命。倘若守望的人見刀劍臨到,不吹角,以致民不受警戒,刀劍來殺了他們中間的一個人,他雖然死在罪孽之中,我卻要向守望的人討他喪命的罪。 (cunpt)
  • 阿摩司書 3:8
    獅子吼叫,誰不懼怕呢?主耶和華發命,誰能不說預言呢? (cunpt)
  • 耶利米書 9:12
    誰是智慧人,可以明白這事?耶和華的口向誰說過,使他可以傳說?遍地為何滅亡,乾焦好像曠野,甚至無人經過呢? (cunpt)