<< Jeremiah 33:14 >>


  • New International Reader's Version
    “ The days are coming,” announces the Lord.“ At that time I will fulfill my good promise to my people. I made it to the people of Israel and Judah.
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  • New International Version
    “‘ The days are coming,’ declares the Lord,‘ when I will fulfill the good promise I made to the people of Israel and Judah.
  • English Standard Version
    “ Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will fulfill the promise I made to the house of Israel and the house of Judah.
  • New Living Translation
    “ The day will come, says the Lord, when I will do for Israel and Judah all the good things I have promised them.
  • Christian Standard Bible
    “ Look, the days are coming”— this is the LORD’s declaration—“ when I will fulfill the good promise that I have spoken concerning the house of Israel and the house of Judah.
  • New American Standard Bible
    ‘ Behold, days are coming,’ declares the Lord,‘ when I will fulfill the good word which I have spoken concerning the house of Israel and the house of Judah.
  • New King James Version
    ‘ Behold, the days are coming,’ says the Lord,‘ that I will perform that good thing which I have promised to the house of Israel and to the house of Judah:
  • American Standard Version
    Behold, the days come, saith Jehovah, that I will perform that good word which I have spoken concerning the house of Israel and concerning the house of Judah.
  • Holman Christian Standard Bible
    “ Look, the days are coming”— this is the Lord’s declaration—“ when I will fulfill the good promises that I have spoken concerning the house of Israel and the house of Judah.
  • King James Version
    Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will perform that good thing which I have promised unto the house of Israel and to the house of Judah.
  • New English Translation
    “ I, the LORD, affirm:‘ The time will certainly come when I will fulfill my gracious promise concerning the nations of Israel and Judah.
  • World English Bible
    “ Behold, the days come,” says Yahweh,“ that I will perform that good word which I have spoken concerning the house of Israel and concerning the house of Judah.


  • Jeremiah 29:10
    The Lord says,“ You will be forced to live in Babylon for 70 years. After they are over, I will come to you. My good promise to you will come true. I will bring you back home.
  • Jeremiah 23:5
    “ A new day is coming,” announces the Lord.“ At that time I will raise up for David’s royal line a godly Branch. He will be a King who will rule wisely. He will do what is fair and right in the land.
  • Haggai 2:6-9
    The Lord says,“ In a little while I will shake the heavens and the earth once more. I will also shake the ocean and the dry land.I will shake all the nations. Then what is desired by all nations will come to my temple. And I will fill the temple with glory,” says the Lord who rules over all.“ The silver belongs to me. So does the gold,” announces the Lord who rules over all.“ The new temple will be more beautiful than the first one was,” says the Lord.“ And in this place I will bring peace,” announces the Lord who rules over all.
  • 1 Chronicles 17 13-1 Chronicles 17 14
    I will be his father. And he will be my son. I took my love away from the man who ruled before you. But I will never take my love away from your son.I will place him over my house and my kingdom forever. His throne will last forever.” ’ ”
  • Genesis 22:18
    All nations on earth will be blessed because of your children. All these things will happen because you have obeyed me.”
  • Genesis 49:10
    The right to rule will not leave Judah. The ruler’s scepter will not be taken from between his feet. It will be his until the king it belongs to will come. The nations will obey that king.
  • Isaiah 32:1-2
    A king will come who will do what is right. His officials will govern fairly.Each official will be like a place to get out of the wind. He will be like a place to hide from storms. He’ll be like streams of water flowing in the desert. He’ll be like the shadow of a huge rock in a dry and thirsty land.
  • 2 Corinthians 1 20
    God has made a great many promises. They are all“ Yes” because of what Christ has done. So through Christ we say“ Amen.” We want God to receive glory.
  • Ezekiel 34:23-25
    I will place one shepherd over them. He will belong to the family line of my servant David. He will take good care of them. He will look after them. He will be their shepherd.I am the Lord. I will be their God. And my servant from David’s family line will be the prince among them. I have spoken. I am the Lord.“ I will make a covenant with them. It promises to give them peace. I will get rid of the wild animals in the land. Then my sheep can live safely in the desert. They can sleep in the forests.
  • Zechariah 9:9-10
    “ City of Zion, be full of joy! People of Jerusalem, shout! See, your king comes to you. He always does what is right. He has won the victory. He is humble and riding on a donkey. He is sitting on a donkey’s colt.I will take the chariots away from Ephraim. I will remove the war horses from Jerusalem. I will break the bows that are used in battle. Your king will announce peace to the nations. He will rule from ocean to ocean. His kingdom will reach from the Euphrates River to the ends of the earth.
  • Luke 1:69-70
    He has acted with great power and has saved us. He did it for those who are from the family line of his servant David.Long ago holy prophets said he would do it.
  • Amos 9:11
    “ The time will come when I will set up David’s fallen shelter. I will repair its broken walls. I will rebuild what was destroyed. I will make it what it used to be.
  • Luke 10:24
    I tell you, many prophets and kings wanted to see what you see. But they didn’t see it. They wanted to hear what you hear. But they didn’t hear it.”
  • Jeremiah 32:38-41
    They will be my people. And I will be their God.I will give them a single purpose in life. Then, they will always have respect for me. Then all will go well for them. And it will also go well for their children after them.I will make a covenant with them that will last forever. I promise that I will never stop doing good to them. I will cause them to respect me. Then they will never turn away from me again.I will take pleasure in doing good things for them. I will certainly plant them in this land. I will do these things with all my heart and soul.”
  • Hebrews 11:40
    That’s because God had planned something better for us. So they would only be made perfect together with us.
  • Jeremiah 31:27
    Here is what the Lord announces.“ The days are coming when I will plant the kingdoms of Israel and Judah again. I will plant them with children and young animals.
  • Daniel 7:13-14
    “ In my vision I saw one who looked like a son of man. He was coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Eternal God. He was led right up to him.And he was given authority, glory and a kingdom. People of all nations, no matter what language they spoke, worshiped him. His authority will last forever. It will not pass away. His kingdom will never be destroyed.
  • Daniel 9:25
    “ Here is what I want you to know and understand. There will be seven‘ weeks.’ Then there will be 62‘ weeks.’ The seven‘ weeks’ will begin when an order is given to rebuild Jerusalem and make it like new again. At the end of the 62‘ weeks,’ the Anointed King will come. Jerusalem will have streets and a water system when it is rebuilt. But that will be done in times of trouble.
  • Zephaniah 3:15-17
    The Lord has stopped punishing you. He has made your enemies turn away from you. The Lord is the King of Israel. He is with you. You will never again be afraid that others will harm you.The time is coming when people will say to Jerusalem,“ Zion, don’t be afraid. Don’t give up.The Lord your God is with you. He is the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you. In his love he will no longer punish you. Instead, he will sing for joy because of you.”
  • Isaiah 9:6-7
    A child will be born to us. A son will be given to us. He will rule over us. And he will be called Wonderful Adviser and Mighty God. He will also be called Father Who Lives Forever and Prince Who Brings Peace.There will be no limit to how great his authority is. The peace he brings will never end. He will rule on David’s throne and over his kingdom. He will make the kingdom strong and secure. His rule will be based on what is fair and right. It will last forever. The Lord’ s great love will make sure that happens. He rules over all.
  • Jeremiah 31:31-34
    “ The days are coming,” announces the Lord.“ I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel. I will also make it with the people of Judah.It will not be like the covenant I made with their people of long ago. That was when I took them by the hand. I led them out of Egypt. But they broke my covenant. They did it even though I was like a husband to them,” announces the Lord.“ This is the covenant I will make with Israel after that time,” announces the Lord.“ I will put my law in their minds. I will write it on their hearts. I will be their God. And they will be my people.They will not need to teach their neighbor anymore. And they will not need to teach one another anymore. They will not need to say,‘ Know the Lord.’ That’s because everyone will know me. From the least important of them to the most important, all of them will know me,” announces the Lord.“ I will forgive their evil ways. I will not remember their sins anymore.”
  • Revelation 19:10
    When I heard this, I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me,“ Don’t do that! I serve God, just as you do. I am God’s servant, just like believers who hold firmly to what Jesus has taught. Worship God! The Spirit of prophecy tells the truth about Jesus.”
  • Micah 5:2
    The Lord says,“ Bethlehem Ephrathah, you might not be an important town in the nation of Judah. But out of you will come for me a ruler over Israel. His family line goes back to the early years of your nation. It goes all the way back to days of long ago.”
  • Daniel 2:44
    “ In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom. It will never be destroyed. And no other nation will ever take it over. It will crush all those other kingdoms. It will bring them to an end. But it will last forever.
  • Isaiah 7:14
    The Lord himself will give you a sign. The virgin is going to have a baby. She will give birth to a son. And he will be called Immanuel.
  • Malachi 3:1
    The Lord who rules over all says,“ I will send my messenger. He will prepare my way for me. Then suddenly the Lord you are looking for will come to his temple. The messenger of the covenant will come. He is the one you long for.”
  • Luke 2:10-11
    But the angel said to them,“ Do not be afraid. I bring you good news. It will bring great joy for all the people.Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you. He is the Messiah, the Lord.
  • Acts 13:32-33
    “ We are telling you the good news. What God promised our people long agohe has done for us, their children. He has raised up Jesus. This is what is written in the second Psalm. It says,“‘ You are my son. Today I have become your father.’( Psalm 2:7)
  • 1 Peter 1 10
    The prophets searched very hard and with great care to find out about this salvation. They spoke about the grace that was going to come to you.