레위기 26:19
I will break down your stubborn pride and make the sky above you like iron and the ground beneath you like bronze. (niv)
예레미야 14:4
The ground is cracked because there is no rain in the land; the farmers are dismayed and cover their heads. (niv)
이사야 5:6
I will make it a wasteland, neither pruned nor cultivated, and briers and thorns will grow there. I will command the clouds not to rain on it.” (niv)
예레미야 14:22
Do any of the worthless idols of the nations bring rain? Do the skies themselves send down showers? No, it is you, Lord our God. Therefore our hope is in you, for you are the one who does all this. (niv)
신명기 28:23
The sky over your head will be bronze, the ground beneath you iron. (niv)
예레미야 5:24
They do not say to themselves,‘ Let us fear the Lord our God, who gives autumn and spring rains in season, who assures us of the regular weeks of harvest.’ (niv)
요엘 1:16-20
Has not the food been cut off before our very eyes— joy and gladness from the house of our God?The seeds are shriveled beneath the clods. The storehouses are in ruins, the granaries have been broken down, for the grain has dried up.How the cattle moan! The herds mill about because they have no pasture; even the flocks of sheep are suffering.To you, Lord, I call, for fire has devoured the pastures in the wilderness and flames have burned up all the trees of the field.Even the wild animals pant for you; the streams of water have dried up and fire has devoured the pastures in the wilderness. (niv)
학개 1:11
I called for a drought on the fields and the mountains, on the grain, the new wine, the olive oil and everything else the ground produces, on people and livestock, and on all the labor of your hands.” (niv)
아모스 4:7
“ I also withheld rain from you when the harvest was still three months away. I sent rain on one town, but withheld it from another. One field had rain; another had none and dried up. (niv)
예레미야 8:12
Are they ashamed of their detestable conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when they are punished, says the Lord. (niv)
예레미야 6:15
Are they ashamed of their detestable conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when I punish them,” says the Lord. (niv)
예레미야 44:16-17
“ We will not listen to the message you have spoken to us in the name of the Lord!We will certainly do everything we said we would: We will burn incense to the Queen of Heaven and will pour out drink offerings to her just as we and our ancestors, our kings and our officials did in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem. At that time we had plenty of food and were well off and suffered no harm. (niv)
에스겔 3:7
But the people of Israel are not willing to listen to you because they are not willing to listen to me, for all the Israelites are hardened and obstinate. (niv)
예레미야 5:3
Lord, do not your eyes look for truth? You struck them, but they felt no pain; you crushed them, but they refused correction. They made their faces harder than stone and refused to repent. (niv)
예레미야 9:12
Who is wise enough to understand this? Who has been instructed by the Lord and can explain it? Why has the land been ruined and laid waste like a desert that no one can cross? (niv)
히브리서 12:25
See to it that you do not refuse him who speaks. If they did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth, how much less will we, if we turn away from him who warns us from heaven? (niv)
스바냐 3:5
The Lord within her is righteous; he does no wrong. Morning by morning he dispenses his justice, and every new day he does not fail, yet the unrighteous know no shame. (niv)
에스겔 16:30-34
“‘ I am filled with fury against you, declares the Sovereign Lord, when you do all these things, acting like a brazen prostitute!When you built your mounds at every street corner and made your lofty shrines in every public square, you were unlike a prostitute, because you scorned payment.“‘ You adulterous wife! You prefer strangers to your own husband!All prostitutes receive gifts, but you give gifts to all your lovers, bribing them to come to you from everywhere for your illicit favors.So in your prostitution you are the opposite of others; no one runs after you for your favors. You are the very opposite, for you give payment and none is given to you. (niv)
스가랴 7:11-12
“ But they refused to pay attention; stubbornly they turned their backs and covered their ears.They made their hearts as hard as flint and would not listen to the law or to the words that the Lord Almighty had sent by his Spirit through the earlier prophets. So the Lord Almighty was very angry. (niv)
느헤미야 9:17
They refused to listen and failed to remember the miracles you performed among them. They became stiff-necked and in their rebellion appointed a leader in order to return to their slavery. But you are a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love. Therefore you did not desert them, (niv)