Amos 7:10-13
Then Amaziah the priest of Bethel sent a message to Jeroboam king of Israel:“ Amos is raising a conspiracy against you in the very heart of Israel. The land cannot bear all his words.For this is what Amos is saying:“‘ Jeroboam will die by the sword, and Israel will surely go into exile, away from their native land.’”Then Amaziah said to Amos,“ Get out, you seer! Go back to the land of Judah. Earn your bread there and do your prophesying there.Don’t prophesy anymore at Bethel, because this is the king’s sanctuary and the temple of the kingdom.” (niv)
Actes 4:17-19
But to stop this thing from spreading any further among the people, we must warn them to speak no longer to anyone in this name.”Then they called them in again and commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus.But Peter and John replied,“ Which is right in God’s eyes: to listen to you, or to him? You be the judges! (niv)
Amos 5:10
There are those who hate the one who upholds justice in court and detest the one who tells the truth. (niv)
Actes 6:14
For we have heard him say that this Jesus of Nazareth will destroy this place and change the customs Moses handed down to us.” (niv)
Jean 8:20
He spoke these words while teaching in the temple courts near the place where the offerings were put. Yet no one seized him, because his hour had not yet come. (niv)
Jérémie 9:11
“ I will make Jerusalem a heap of ruins, a haunt of jackals; and I will lay waste the towns of Judah so no one can live there.” (niv)
Actes 19:24-32
A silversmith named Demetrius, who made silver shrines of Artemis, brought in a lot of business for the craftsmen there.He called them together, along with the workers in related trades, and said:“ You know, my friends, that we receive a good income from this business.And you see and hear how this fellow Paul has convinced and led astray large numbers of people here in Ephesus and in practically the whole province of Asia. He says that gods made by human hands are no gods at all.There is danger not only that our trade will lose its good name, but also that the temple of the great goddess Artemis will be discredited; and the goddess herself, who is worshiped throughout the province of Asia and the world, will be robbed of her divine majesty.”When they heard this, they were furious and began shouting:“ Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!”Soon the whole city was in an uproar. The people seized Gaius and Aristarchus, Paul’s traveling companions from Macedonia, and all of them rushed into the theater together.Paul wanted to appear before the crowd, but the disciples would not let him.Even some of the officials of the province, friends of Paul, sent him a message begging him not to venture into the theater.The assembly was in confusion: Some were shouting one thing, some another. Most of the people did not even know why they were there. (niv)
Jean 8:59
At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping away from the temple grounds. (niv)
Marc 15:11
But the chief priests stirred up the crowd to have Pilate release Barabbas instead. (niv)
Actes 17:5-8
But other Jews were jealous; so they rounded up some bad characters from the marketplace, formed a mob and started a riot in the city. They rushed to Jason’s house in search of Paul and Silas in order to bring them out to the crowd.But when they did not find them, they dragged Jason and some other believers before the city officials, shouting:“ These men who have caused trouble all over the world have now come here,and Jason has welcomed them into his house. They are all defying Caesar’s decrees, saying that there is another king, one called Jesus.”When they heard this, the crowd and the city officials were thrown into turmoil. (niv)
Actes 16:19-22
When her owners realized that their hope of making money was gone, they seized Paul and Silas and dragged them into the marketplace to face the authorities.They brought them before the magistrates and said,“ These men are Jews, and are throwing our city into an uproarby advocating customs unlawful for us Romans to accept or practice.”The crowd joined in the attack against Paul and Silas, and the magistrates ordered them to be stripped and beaten with rods. (niv)
Actes 22:22
The crowd listened to Paul until he said this. Then they raised their voices and shouted,“ Rid the earth of him! He’s not fit to live!” (niv)
Actes 5:28
“ We gave you strict orders not to teach in this name,” he said.“ Yet you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and are determined to make us guilty of this man’s blood.” (niv)
Actes 13:50
But the Jewish leaders incited the God- fearing women of high standing and the leading men of the city. They stirred up persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them from their region. (niv)
Matthieu 21:23
Jesus entered the temple courts, and, while he was teaching, the chief priests and the elders of the people came to him.“ By what authority are you doing these things?” they asked.“ And who gave you this authority?” (niv)
Esaïe 29:21
those who with a word make someone out to be guilty, who ensnare the defender in court and with false testimony deprive the innocent of justice. (niv)
Matthieu 27:20
But the chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowd to ask for Barabbas and to have Jesus executed. (niv)
Actes 21:30
The whole city was aroused, and the people came running from all directions. Seizing Paul, they dragged him from the temple, and immediately the gates were shut. (niv)
Michée 2:6
“ Do not prophesy,” their prophets say.“ Do not prophesy about these things; disgrace will not overtake us.” (niv)
Esaïe 30:9-11
For these are rebellious people, deceitful children, children unwilling to listen to the Lord’s instruction.They say to the seers,“ See no more visions!” and to the prophets,“ Give us no more visions of what is right! Tell us pleasant things, prophesy illusions.Leave this way, get off this path, and stop confronting us with the Holy One of Israel!” (niv)
2 Chroniques 25 16
While he was still speaking, the king said to him,“ Have we appointed you an adviser to the king? Stop! Why be struck down?” So the prophet stopped but said,“ I know that God has determined to destroy you, because you have done this and have not listened to my counsel.” (niv)