Deuteronomy 14:1
You are children of the LORD your God. Do not cut yourselves or shave your forehead bald for the sake of the dead.
Jeremiah 47:5
The people of Gaza will shave their heads in mourning. The people of Ashkelon will be struck dumb. How long will you gash yourselves to show your sorrow, you who remain of Philistia’s power?
Jeremiah 41:5
eighty men arrived from Shechem, Shiloh, and Samaria. They had shaved off their beards, torn their clothes, and cut themselves to show they were mourning. They were carrying grain offerings and incense to present at the temple of the LORD in Jerusalem.
Leviticus 19:28
You must not slash your body for a dead person or incise a tattoo on yourself. I am the LORD.
Isaiah 22:12
At that time the sovereign master, the LORD who commands armies, called for weeping and mourning, for shaved heads and sackcloth.
Revelation 6:15
Then the kings of the earth, the very important people, the generals, the rich, the powerful, and everyone, slave and free, hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains.
Isaiah 24:2
Everyone will suffer– the priest as well as the people, the master as well as the servant, the elegant lady as well as the female attendant, the seller as well as the buyer, the borrower as well as the lender, the creditor as well as the debtor.
Jeremiah 22:18-19
So the LORD has this to say about Josiah’s son, King Jehoiakim of Judah: People will not mourn for him, saying,“ This makes me sad, my brother! This makes me sad, my sister!” They will not mourn for him, saying,“ Poor, poor lord! Poor, poor majesty!”He will be left unburied just like a dead donkey. His body will be dragged off and thrown outside the gates of Jerusalem.’”
Jeremiah 48:37
For all of them will shave their heads in mourning. They will all cut off their beards to show their sorrow. They will all make gashes in their hands. They will all put on sackcloth.
Ezekiel 9:5-6
While I listened, he said to the others,“ Go through the city after him and strike people down; do no let your eye pity nor spare anyone!Old men, young men, young women, little children, and women– wipe them out! But do not touch anyone who has the mark. Begin at my sanctuary!” So they began with the elders who were at the front of the temple.
Jeremiah 7:29
So, mourn, you people of this nation. Cut off your hair and throw it away. Sing a song of mourning on the hilltops. For the LORD has decided to reject and forsake this generation that has provoked his wrath!’”
Isaiah 9:14-17
So the LORD cut off Israel’s head and tail, both the shoots and stalk in one day.The leaders and the highly respected people are the head, the prophets who teach lies are the tail.The leaders of this nation were misleading people, and the people being led were destroyed.So the sovereign master was not pleased with their young men, he took no pity on their orphans and widows; for the whole nation was godless and did wicked things, every mouth was speaking disgraceful words. Despite all this, his anger does not subside, and his hand is ready to strike again.
Jeremiah 16:4
They will die of deadly diseases. No one will mourn for them. They will not be buried. Their dead bodies will lie like manure spread on the ground. They will be killed in war or die of starvation. Their corpses will be food for the birds and wild animals.
Jeremiah 13:13
Then tell them,‘ The LORD says,“ I will soon fill all the people who live in this land with stupor. I will also fill the kings from David’s dynasty, the priests, the prophets, and the citizens of Jerusalem with stupor.
Amos 6:11
Indeed, look! The LORD is giving the command. He will smash the large house to bits, and the small house into little pieces.
Revelation 20:12
And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne. Then books were opened, and another book was opened– the book of life. So the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to their deeds.