Isaiah 40:2
Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for, that she has received from the Lord’s hand double for all her sins.
Ezekiel 11:21
But as for those whose hearts are devoted to their vile images and detestable idols, I will bring down on their own heads what they have done, declares the Sovereign Lord.”
Numbers 35:33-34
“‘ Do not pollute the land where you are. Bloodshed pollutes the land, and atonement cannot be made for the land on which blood has been shed, except by the blood of the one who shed it.Do not defile the land where you live and where I dwell, for I, the Lord, dwell among the Israelites.’”
Revelation 18:6
Give back to her as she has given; pay her back double for what she has done. Pour her a double portion from her own cup.
Jeremiah 17:18
Let my persecutors be put to shame, but keep me from shame; let them be terrified, but keep me from terror. Bring on them the day of disaster; destroy them with double destruction.
Ezekiel 11:18
“ They will return to it and remove all its vile images and detestable idols.
Jeremiah 3:9
Because Israel’s immorality mattered so little to her, she defiled the land and committed adultery with stone and wood.
Isaiah 61:7
Instead of your shame you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance. And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours.
Ezekiel 43:7-9
He said:“ Son of man, this is the place of my throne and the place for the soles of my feet. This is where I will live among the Israelites forever. The people of Israel will never again defile my holy name— neither they nor their kings— by their prostitution and the funeral offerings for their kings at their death.When they placed their threshold next to my threshold and their doorposts beside my doorposts, with only a wall between me and them, they defiled my holy name by their detestable practices. So I destroyed them in my anger.Now let them put away from me their prostitution and the funeral offerings for their kings, and I will live among them forever.
Zephaniah 3:1-5
Woe to the city of oppressors, rebellious and defiled!She obeys no one, she accepts no correction. She does not trust in the Lord, she does not draw near to her God.Her officials within her are roaring lions; her rulers are evening wolves, who leave nothing for the morning.Her prophets are unprincipled; they are treacherous people. Her priests profane the sanctuary and do violence to the law.The Lord within her is righteous; he does no wrong. Morning by morning he dispenses his justice, and every new day he does not fail, yet the unrighteous know no shame.
Jeremiah 2:7
I brought you into a fertile land to eat its fruit and rich produce. But you came and defiled my land and made my inheritance detestable.
Isaiah 24:5
The earth is defiled by its people; they have disobeyed the laws, violated the statutes and broken the everlasting covenant.
Jeremiah 3:1-2
“ If a man divorces his wife and she leaves him and marries another man, should he return to her again? Would not the land be completely defiled? But you have lived as a prostitute with many lovers— would you now return to me?” declares the Lord.“ Look up to the barren heights and see. Is there any place where you have not been ravished? By the roadside you sat waiting for lovers, sat like a nomad in the desert. You have defiled the land with your prostitution and wickedness.
Leviticus 26:30
I will destroy your high places, cut down your incense altars and pile your dead bodies on the lifeless forms of your idols, and I will abhor you.
Psalms 106:38
They shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, and the land was desecrated by their blood.
Micah 2:10
Get up, go away! For this is not your resting place, because it is defiled, it is ruined, beyond all remedy.
Leviticus 18:27-28
for all these things were done by the people who lived in the land before you, and the land became defiled.And if you defile the land, it will vomit you out as it vomited out the nations that were before you.