Daniel 12:4
But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
John 3:32-33
What he hath seen and heard, of that he beareth witness; and no man receiveth his witness.He that hath received his witness hath set his seal to this, that God is true.
1 John 5 9-1 John 5 12
If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: for the witness of God is this, that he hath borne witness concerning his Son.He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in him: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he hath not believed in the witness that God hath borne concerning his Son.And the witness is this, that God gave unto us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.He that hath the Son hath the life; he that hath not the Son of God hath not the life.
Isaiah 54:13
And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and great shall be the peace of thy children.
Revelation 5:5
and one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not; behold, the Lion that is of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath overcome to open the book and the seven seals thereof.
Revelation 19:10
And I fell down before his feet to worship him. And he saith unto me, See thou do it not: I am a fellow- servant with thee and with thy brethren that hold the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
Psalms 25:14
The friendship of Jehovah is with them that fear him; And he will show them his covenant.
Revelation 5:1
And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the back, close sealed with seven seals.
Isaiah 8:1-2
And Jehovah said unto me, Take thee a great tablet, and write upon it with the pen of a man, For Maher- shalal- hash- baz;and I will take unto me faithful witnesses to record, Uriah the priest, and Zechariah the son of Jeberechiah.
Mark 4:10-11
And when he was alone, they that were about him with the twelve asked of him the parables.And he said unto them, Unto you is given the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all things are done in parables:
Proverbs 8:8-9
All the words of my mouth are in righteousness; There is nothing crooked or perverse in them.They are all plain to him that understandeth, And right to them that find knowledge.
1 Corinthians 2 14
Now the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him; and he cannot know them, because they are spiritually judged.
Mark 10:10
And in the house the disciples asked him again of this matter.
Hebrews 3:5
And Moses indeed was faithful in all his house as a servant, for a testimony of those things which were afterward to be spoken;
2 Kings 11 12
Then he brought out the king’s son, and put the crown upon him, and gave him the testimony; and they made him king, and anointed him; and they clapped their hands, and said, Long live the king.
Mark 4:34
and without a parable spake he not unto them: but privately to his own disciples he expounded all things.
Deuteronomy 4:45
these are the testimonies, and the statutes, and the ordinances, which Moses spake unto the children of Israel, when they came forth out of Egypt,
Daniel 12:9-10
And he said, Go thy way, Daniel; for the words are shut up and sealed till the time of the end.Many shall purify themselves, and make themselves white, and be refined; but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand; but they that are wise shall understand.
Isaiah 8:20
To the law and to the testimony! if they speak not according to this word, surely there is no morning for them.
Revelation 10:4
And when the seven thunders uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying, Seal up the things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.
Daniel 9:24
Seventy weeks are decreed upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most holy.
Matthew 13:11
And he answered and said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.
Isaiah 29:11-12
And all vision is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee; and he saith, I cannot, for it is sealed:and the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee; and he saith, I am not learned.
Revelation 2:17
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches. To him that overcometh, to him will I give of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and upon the stone a new name written, which no one knoweth but he that receiveth it.