<< Isaiah 8:11 >>



  • Ezekiel 3:14
    A wind lifted me up and carried me away. I went bitterly, my spirit full of fury, and the hand of the LORD rested powerfully on me.
  • Proverbs 1:15
    My child, do not go down their way, withhold yourself from their path;
  • Ezekiel 2:6-8
    But you, son of man, do not fear them, and do not fear their words– even though briers and thorns surround you and you live among scorpions– do not fear their words and do not be terrified of the looks they give you, for they are a rebellious house!You must speak my words to them whether they listen or not, for they are rebellious.As for you, son of man, listen to what I am saying to you: Do not rebel like that rebellious house! Open your mouth and eat what I am giving you.”
  • Jeremiah 15:19
    Because of this, the LORD said,“ You must repent of such words and thoughts! If you do, I will restore you to the privilege of serving me. If you say what is worthwhile instead of what is worthless, I will again allow you to be my spokesman. They must become as you have been. You must not become like them.
  • Jeremiah 20:7
    LORD, you coerced me into being a prophet, and I allowed you to do it. You overcame my resistance and prevailed over me. Now I have become a constant laughingstock. Everyone ridicules me.
  • Acts 4:20
    for it is impossible for us not to speak about what we have seen and heard.”
  • Psalms 32:8
    I will instruct and teach you about how you should live. I will advise you as I look you in the eye.
  • Jeremiah 20:9
    Sometimes I think,“ I will make no mention of his message. I will not speak as his messenger any more.” But then his message becomes like a fire locked up inside of me, burning in my heart and soul. I grow weary of trying to hold it in; I cannot contain it.