Ezekiel 22:30
“ I looked for someone among them who would stand up for Jerusalem. I tried to find someone who would pray to me for the land. Then I would not have to destroy it. But I could not find anyone who would pray for it.
Hosea 7:7
All of them are as hot as an oven. They destroy their rulers. All their kings fall from power. But none of them calls on the Lord for help.
Isaiah 59:16
He sees that there is no one who helps his people. He is shocked that no one stands up for them. So he will use his own powerful arm to save them. He has the strength to do it because he is holy.
Deuteronomy 32:19-25
When the Lord saw this, he turned away from them. His sons and daughters made him angry.“ I will turn my face away from them,” he said.“ I will see what will happen to them in the end. They are sinful people. They are unfaithful children.They made me jealous by serving what is not even a god. They made me angry by worshiping worthless statues of gods. I will use people who are not a nation to make them jealous. A nation that has no understanding will make them angry.My anger will start a fire. It will burn all the way down to the kingdom of the dead. It will eat up the earth and its crops. It will set the base of the mountains on fire.“ I will pile troubles on my people. I will shoot all my arrows at them.I will send them hunger. It will make them weak. I will send terrible sickness. I will send deadly plagues. I will send wild animals that will tear them apart. Snakes that glide through the dust will bite them.In the streets their children will be killed by swords. Their homes will be filled with terror. The young men and women will die. The babies and old people will die.
Isaiah 27:5
So the enemies of my people should come to me for safety. They should make peace with me. I will say it again. They should make peace with me.”
Isaiah 54:8
For a moment I turned my face away from you. I was very angry with you. But I will show you my loving concern. My faithful love will continue forever,” says the Lord. He is the one who set you free.
Ezekiel 24:11
Then set the empty pot on the coals. Let it get hot. Let its copper glow. Then what is not pure in it will melt. Its scum will be burned away.
Ezekiel 22:18-22
“ Son of man, the people of Israel have become like scum to me. All of them are like the copper, tin, iron and lead left inside a furnace. They are only the scum that is removed from silver.”So the Lord and King says,“ People of Israel, all of you have become like scum. So I will gather you together in Jerusalem.People put silver, copper, iron, lead and tin into a furnace. They melt it with a blazing fire. In the same way, I will gather you. I will pour out my burning anger on you. I will put you inside the city and melt you.I will gather you together. My burning anger will blaze out at you. And you will be melted inside Jerusalem.Silver is melted in a furnace. And you will be melted inside the city. Then you will know that I have poured out my burning anger on you. I am the Lord.”
Hosea 7:14
They do not cry out to me from their hearts. Instead, they just lie on their beds and sob. They cut themselves when they pray to their gods for grain and fresh wine. But they turn away from me.
Isaiah 57:17
I was very angry with them. They always longed for more and more of everything. So I punished them for that sin. I turned my face away from them because I was angry. But they kept on wanting their own way.
Isaiah 50:2
When I came to save you, why didn’t anyone welcome me? When I called out to you, why didn’t anyone answer me? Wasn’t I powerful enough to set you free? Wasn’t I strong enough to save you? I dry up the sea with a single command. I turn rivers into a desert. Then fish rot because they do not have any water. They die because they are thirsty.
Psalms 14:4
Do all these people who do evil know nothing? They eat up my people as if they were eating bread. They never call out to the Lord.
Isaiah 59:2
But your sins have separated you from your God. They have caused him to turn his face away from you. So he won’t listen to you.
Isaiah 59:4
People aren’t fair when they present cases in court. They aren’t honest when they state their case. They depend on weak arguments. They tell lies. They plan to make trouble. Then they carry it out.
Deuteronomy 31:17-18
In that day I will become angry with them. I will desert them. I will turn my face away from them. And they will be destroyed. Many horrible troubles and hard times will come on them. On that day they will say,‘ Trouble has come on us. Our God isn’t with us!’I will certainly turn away from them on that day. I will do it because they did a very evil thing when they turned to other gods.
Isaiah 1:15
You might spread out your hands toward me when you pray. But I do not look at you. You might even offer many prayers. But I am not listening to them. Your hands are covered with the blood of the people you have murdered.
Job 8:4
Your children sinned against him. So he punished them for their sin.
Isaiah 56:4
The Lord says,“ Suppose some eunuchs keep my Sabbath days. They choose to do what pleases me. And they are faithful in keeping my covenant.
Jeremiah 9:7
So the Lord who rules over all says,“ I will put them through the fire to test them. What else can I do? My people are so sinful!
Hosea 5:15
I will go back to my lion’s den. I will stay there until they pay the price for their sin. Then they will turn to me. They will suffer so much that they will really want me to help them.”