<< Isaiah 64:12 >>



  • Isaiah 42:14
    The Lord says,“ For a long time I have kept silent. I have been calm and quiet. But now, like a woman having a baby, I cry out. I gasp and pant.
  • Psalms 74:10-11
    God, how long will your enemies make fun of you? Will they attack you with their words forever?Why don’t you help us? Why do you hold back your power? Use your strong power to destroy your enemies!
  • Psalms 83:1
    God, don’t remain silent. Don’t refuse to listen. Do something, God.
  • Psalms 74:18-19
    Lord, remember how your enemies have made fun of you. Remember how foolish people have attacked you with their words.Don’t hand over Israel, your dove, to those wild animals. Don’t forget your suffering people forever.
  • Zechariah 1:12
    Then the angel of the Lord spoke up. He said,“ Lord, you rule over all. How long will you keep from showing your tender love to Jerusalem? How long will you keep it from the towns of Judah? You have been angry with them for 70 years.”
  • Psalms 79:5
    Lord, how long will you be angry with us? Will it be forever? How long will your jealousy burn like fire?
  • Psalms 10:1
    Lord, why are you so far away? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?
  • Revelation 6:10
    They called out in a loud voice.“ How long, Lord and King, holy and true?” they asked.“ How long will you wait to judge those who live on the earth? How long will it be until you pay them back for killing us?”
  • Psalms 80:3-4
    God, make us new again. May you be pleased with us. Then we will be saved.Lord God, you rule over all. How long will you be angry? Will you be angry with your people even when they pray to you?
  • Psalms 89:46-51
    Lord, how long will you hide yourself? Will it be forever? How long will your anger burn like fire?Remember how short my life is. You have created all people for such a useless purpose!Who can live and not die? Who can escape the power of the grave?Lord, where is the great love you used to have? You faithfully promised it to David.Lord, remember how my enemies have made fun of me. I’ve had to put up with mean words from all the nations.Lord, your enemies have said mean things. They have laughed at everything your anointed king has done.