Psalms 30:5
His anger lasts for only a moment. But his favor lasts for a person’s whole life. Weeping can stay for the night. But joy comes in the morning.
Isaiah 54:7-8
“ For a brief moment I left you. But because I love you so much, I will bring you back.For a moment I turned my face away from you. I was very angry with you. But I will show you my loving concern. My faithful love will continue forever,” says the Lord. He is the one who set you free.
Psalms 27:5
When I’m in trouble, he will keep me safe in his house. He will hide me in the safety of his holy tent. He will put me on a rock that is very high.
Matthew 6:6
When you pray, go into your room. Close the door and pray to your Father, who can’t be seen. Your Father will reward you, because he sees what you do secretly.
Psalms 91:4
He will cover you with his wings. Under the feathers of his wings you will find safety. He is faithful. He will keep you safe like a shield or a tower.
Proverbs 18:10
The name of the Lord is like a strong tower. Godly people run to it and are safe.
Psalms 17:8
Take good care of me, just as you would take care of your own eyes. Hide me in the shadow of your wings.
2 Corinthians 4 17
Our troubles are small. They last only for a short time. But they are earning for us a glory that will last forever. It is greater than all our troubles.
Isaiah 10:25
Very soon I will not be angry with you anymore. I will turn my anger against the Assyrians. I will destroy them.”
Isaiah 51:4
“ Listen to me, my people. Pay attention, my nation. My instruction will go out to the nations. I make everything right. That will be a guiding light for them.
Psalms 32:7
You are my hiding place. You will keep me safe from trouble. You will surround me with songs sung by those who praise you because you save your people.
Psalms 91:1
Whoever rests in the shadow of the Most High God will be kept safe by the Mighty One.
Exodus 12:22-23
Get a branch of a hyssop plant. Dip it into the blood in the bowl. Put some of the blood on the top and on both sides of the doorframe. None of you can go out of the door of your house until morning.The Lord will go through the land to strike down the Egyptians. He’ll see the blood on the top and sides of the doorframe. He will pass over that house. He won’t let the destroying angel enter your homes to strike you down.
Psalms 31:20
They are safe because you are with them. You hide them from the evil plans of their enemies. In your house you keep them safe from those who bring charges against them.
Ezekiel 11:16
“ So tell them,‘ The Lord and King says,“ I sent some of my people far away among the nations. I scattered them among the countries. But for a little while I have been their temple in the countries where they have gone.” ’
Psalms 143:9
Lord, save me from my enemies, because I go to you for safety.
Isaiah 51:16
I have put my words in your mouth. I have kept you safe in the palm of my hand. I set the heavens in place. I laid the foundations of the earth. I say to Zion,‘ You are my people.’ ”
Psalms 57:1
Have mercy on me, God. Have mercy on me. I go to you for safety. I will find safety in the shadow of your wings. There I will stay until the danger is gone.
Isaiah 32:18-19
They will live in a peaceful land. Their homes will be secure. They will enjoy peace and quiet.Hail might strip the forests bare. Cities might be completely destroyed.
Genesis 7:1
Then the Lord said to Noah,“ Go into the ark with your whole family. I know that you are a godly man among the people of today.
Jeremiah 7:23
I also gave them another command. I said,‘ Obey me. Then I will be your God. And you will be my people. Live the way I command you to live. Then things will go well with you.’
Jeremiah 31:14
I will satisfy the priests. I will give them more than enough. And my people will be filled with the good things I give them,” announces the Lord.
Matthew 23:37
“ Jerusalem! Jerusalem! You kill the prophets and throw stones in order to kill those who are sent to you. Many times I have wanted to gather your people together. I have wanted to be like a hen who gathers her chicks under her wings. And you would not let me!
Genesis 7:16
The animals going in were male and female of every living thing. Everything happened just as God had commanded Noah. Then the Lord shut him in.