Hosea 4:14
“ I will not punish your daughters when they become prostitutes. I will not judge your daughters- in- law when they commit adultery. After all, the men themselves have sex with sinful women. They offer sacrifices where temple prostitutes earn their living. People who can’t understand will be destroyed!
Jeremiah 11:13
Judah, you have as many gods as you have towns. And in Jerusalem you have set up as many altars as there are streets. You are burning incense to that shameful god named Baal.’
Micah 7:1
I’m suffering very much! I’m like someone who gathers summer fruit in a vineyard after the good fruit has already been picked. No grapes are left to eat. None of the early figs I long for remain.
Jeremiah 2:2-3
“ Go. Announce my message to the people in Jerusalem. I want everyone to hear it. Tell them,“ Here is what the Lord says.“‘ I remember how faithful you were to me when you were young. You loved me as if you were my bride. You followed me through the desert. Nothing had been planted there.Your people were holy to me. They were the first share of my harvest. All those who destroyed them were held guilty. And trouble came to their enemies,’ ” announces the Lord.
Ezekiel 20:8
“‘ “But they refused to obey me. They would not listen to me. They did not get rid of the evil gods they worshiped. And they did not turn away from Egypt’s gods. So I said I would pour out all my great anger on them in Egypt.
Psalms 106:28-29
They joined in worshiping the Baal that was worshiped at Peor. They ate food that had been offered to gods that aren’t even alive.Their evil ways made the Lord angry. So a plague broke out among them.
Hosea 2:15
I will give her back her vineyards. I will make the Valley of Achor a door of hope for her. Then she will love me, as she did when she was young. She will love me just as she did when she came up out of Egypt.
Numbers 25:1-18
Israel was staying in Shittim. The men of Israel began to commit sexual sins with the women of Moab.The women invited the men to feasts and sacrifices to honor their gods. The people ate the sacrifices and bowed down in front of the statues of those gods.So Israel joined in worshiping the god named Baal that was worshiped at Peor. The Lord became very angry with Israel.The Lord said to Moses,“ Take all the leaders of these people. Kill them. Put their dead bodies out in the open. I want to see you do it in the middle of the day. Then I will not be angry with Israel.”So Moses spoke to Israel’s judges. He said,“ Some of your people have joined in worshiping the god named Baal that is worshiped at Peor. Each of you must kill the people in your tribe who have done that.”Then an Israelite man brought into the camp a Midianite woman. He did it right in front of the eyes of Moses and the whole community of Israel. They were weeping at the entrance to the tent of meeting.Phinehas was a priest. He was the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron. When Phinehas saw what had happened, he left the people. He took a spear in his hand.He followed the man into the tent. Phinehas stuck the spear through the man and into the woman’s stomach. Then the Lord stopped the plague against the Israelites.But the plague had already killed 24,000 of them.The Lord said to Moses,“ Phinehas is a priest. He is the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron. Phinehas has turned my anger away from the Israelites. I am committed to making sure I am honored among them. And he is as committed as I am. So even though I was angry with them, I did not put an end to them.So tell Phinehas I am making my covenant with him. It is my promise to give him peace.He and his sons after him will have a covenant to be priests forever. That is because he was committed to making sure that I, his God, was honored. In that way he paid for the sin of the Israelites.”The name of the Israelite man who was killed was Zimri. He was the son of Salu. Zimri was killed along with the Midianite woman. Salu was a family leader in the tribe of Simeon.The name of the Midianite woman who was killed was Kozbi. She was the daughter of Zur. He was the chief of a Midianite family.The Lord spoke to Moses. He said,“ Treat the Midianites just as you would treat enemies. Kill them.After all, they treated you like enemies. They tricked you into worshiping the god named Baal that is worshiped at Peor. They also tricked you because of what Kozbi did. She was the woman killed when the plague came that was connected with Peor. Kozbi was the daughter of a Midianite leader.”
Deuteronomy 4:3
Your own eyes saw what the Lord your God did at Baal Peor. He destroyed every one of your people who worshiped the Baal that was worshiped at Peor.
Numbers 13:23-24
The men came to the Valley of Eshkol. There they cut off a branch that had a single bunch of grapes on it. Two of them carried it on a pole between them. They carried some pomegranates and figs along with it.That place was called the Valley of Eshkol. That’s because the men of Israel cut off a bunch of grapes there.
Amos 4:5
Bake some bread with yeast. Burn it as a thank offering. Brag about the offerings you freely give. This is what you Israelites love to do,” announces the Lord and King.
Deuteronomy 32:10
The Lord found Israel in a desert. He found them in an empty and windy land. He took care of them and kept them safe. He guarded them as he would guard his own eyes.
Isaiah 28:4
It sits on a hill above a rich valley. The city is like a wreath of flowers whose glorious beauty is fading away. But it will become like figs that are ripe before harvest. As soon as people see them, they pick them and swallow them.
1 Kings 16 31
He thought it was only a small thing to commit the sins Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, had committed. Ahab also married Jezebel. She was Ethbaal’s daughter. Ethbaal was king of the people of Sidon. Ahab began to serve the god named Baal and worship him.
Jeremiah 31:2
The Lord says,“ Some of my people will live through everything their enemies do to them. They will find help in the desert. I will come to give peace and rest to Israel.”
Numbers 15:39
You will have the tassels to look at. They will remind you to obey all the Lord’ s commands. Then you will be faithful to him. You will not chase after what your own hearts and eyes wish for.
Deuteronomy 32:17
The people sacrificed to those false gods, not to God. They hadn’t known anything about those false gods. Those gods were new to them. Their people of long ago didn’t worship them.
Judges 6:32
That’s why they gave Gideon the name Jerub- Baal on that day. Gideon had torn down Baal’s altar. So they said,“ Let Baal take his stand against him.”
Hosea 11:1
The Lord continues,“ When Israel was a young nation, I loved them. I chose to bring my son out of Egypt.
Romans 6:21
What benefit did you gain from doing the things you are now ashamed of? Those things lead to death!
Jeremiah 5:31
The prophets prophesy lies. The priests rule by their own authority. And my people love it this way. But what will you do in the end?”
Exodus 19:4-6
‘ You have seen for yourselves what I did to Egypt. You saw how I carried you on the wings of eagles and brought you to myself.Now obey me completely. Keep my covenant. If you do, then out of all the nations you will be my special treasure. The whole earth is mine.But you will be a kingdom of priests to serve me. You will be my holy nation.’ That is what you must tell the Israelites.”
Psalms 81:12
So I let them go their own stubborn way. I let them follow their own sinful plans.