Romans 8:15
The Spirit you received doesn’t make you slaves. Otherwise you would live in fear again. Instead, the Holy Spirit you received made you God’s adopted child. By the Spirit’s power we call God Abba. Abba means Father.
2 Timothy 1 7
God gave us his Spirit. And the Spirit doesn’t make us weak and fearful. Instead, the Spirit gives us power and love. He helps us control ourselves.
Psalms 55:4
I feel great pain deep down inside me. The terrors of death have fallen on me.
Romans 8:21
to set the created world free. He didn’t want it to rot away. Instead, God wanted it to have the same freedom and glory that his children have.
Luke 1:74-75
He promised to save us from our enemies. Then we could serve him without fear.He wants us to be holy and godly as long as we live.
1 Corinthians 15 50-1 Corinthians 15 57
Brothers and sisters, here is what I’m telling you. Bodies made of flesh and blood can’t share in the kingdom of God. And what dies can’t share in what never dies.Listen! I am telling you a mystery. We will not all die. But we will all be changed.That will happen in a flash, as quickly as you can wink an eye. It will happen at the blast of the last trumpet. Then the dead will be raised to live forever. And we will be changed.Our natural bodies don’t last forever. They must be dressed with what does last forever. What dies must be dressed with what does not die.In fact, that is going to happen. What does not last will be dressed with what lasts forever. What dies will be dressed with what does not die. Then what is written will come true. It says,“ Death has been swallowed up. It has lost the battle.”( Isaiah 25:8)“ Death, where is the victory you thought you had? Death, where is your sting?”( Hosea 13:14)The sting of death is sin. And the power of sin is the law.But let us give thanks to God! He gives us the victory because of what our Lord Jesus Christ has done.
2 Corinthians 1 10
God has saved us from deadly dangers. And he will continue to do it. We have put our hope in him. He will continue to save us.
Job 18:11
Terrors alarm them on every side. They follow them every step of the way.
Job 33:21-28
Their body might waste away to nothing. Their bones might have been hidden. But now they stick out.They might approach the very edge of the grave. The messengers of death might come for them.“ But suppose there is an angel who will speak up for him. The angel is very special. He’s one out of a thousand. He will tell that person how to do what is right.That angel will be gracious to them. He’ll say to God,‘ Spare them from going down into the grave. I know a way that can set them free.’Then their body is made like new again. They become as strong and healthy as when they were young.Then that person can pray to God and be blessed by him. They will see God’s face and shout for joy. God will make them well and happy again.Then that person will come to others and say,‘ I sinned. I made what is wrong appear to be right. But I wasn’t punished as I should have been.God has set me free. He has kept me from going down into the darkness of the grave. So I’ll live to enjoy the light of life.’
Psalms 56:13
You have saved me from the darkness of death. You have kept me from tripping and falling. Now I can live with you in the light of life.
Psalms 33:19
He watches over them to save them from death. He wants to keep them alive when there is no food in the land.
Psalms 73:19
It will happen very suddenly. A terrible death will take them away completely.
Job 24:17
Midnight is like morning to them. The terrors of darkness are their friends.
Psalms 89:48
Who can live and not die? Who can escape the power of the grave?
Job 18:14
They are torn away from the safety of their tents. They are marched off to the one who rules over death.
Galatians 4:21
You who want to be under the authority of the law, tell me something. Don’t you know what the law says?