<< Genesis 9:6 >>



  • Leviticus 24:17
    “‘ Anyone who kills another human being must be put to death.
  • Matthew 26:52
    “ Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him.“ All who use the sword will die by the sword.
  • Revelation 13:10
    “ Everyone who is supposed to be captured will be captured. Everyone who is supposed to be killed by a sword will be killed by a sword.”( Jeremiah 15:2) So God’s people must be patient and faithful.
  • Genesis 1:26-27
    Then God said,“ Let us make human beings so that they are like us. Let them rule over the fish in the seas and the birds in the sky. Let them rule over the livestock and all the wild animals. And let them rule over all the creatures that move along the ground.”So God created human beings in his own likeness. He created them to be like himself. He created them as male and female.
  • Exodus 21:12-14
    “ Anyone who hits and kills someone else must be put to death.Suppose they did not do it on purpose. Suppose I let it happen. Then they can escape to a place I will choose.But suppose they kill someone on purpose. Then take them away from my altar and put them to death.
  • Numbers 35:33
    “‘ Do not pollute the land where you are. Murder pollutes the land. Only one thing can pay to remove the pollution in the land where murder has been committed. The blood of the one who spilled another’s blood must be spilled.
  • Genesis 5:1
    Here is the written story of Adam’s family line. When God created human beings, he made them to be like him.
  • James 3:9
    With our tongues we praise our Lord and Father. With our tongues we curse people. We do it even though people have been created to be like God.
  • 1 Kings 2 5-1 Kings 2 6
    “ You yourself know what Joab, the son of Zeruiah, did to me. You know that he killed Abner, the son of Ner, and Amasa, the son of Jether. They were the two commanders of Israel’s armies. He killed them in a time of peace. It wasn’t a time of war. Joab spilled the blood of Abner and Amasa. With that blood he stained the belt around his waist. He also stained the sandals on his feet.You are wise. So I leave him in your hands. Just don’t let him live to become an old man. Don’t let him die peacefully.
  • Leviticus 17:4
    They do it instead of bringing the animal to the entrance to the tent of meeting. They sacrifice it instead of giving it as an offering to me in front of my holy tent. Then they will be thought of as guilty of spilling blood. Because they have done that, they must be separated from their people.
  • 1 Kings 2 28-1 Kings 2 34
    News of what Solomon had done reached Joab. Joab had never made evil plans along with Absalom. But he had joined Adonijah. So he ran to the tent of the Lord. He grabbed the horns that stuck out from the upper corners of the altar for burnt offerings.King Solomon was told that Joab had run to the tent. He was also told that Joab was by the altar. Then Solomon gave the order to Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada. He told him,“ Go! Strike him down!”So Benaiah entered the tent of the Lord. He said to Joab,“ The king says,‘ Come on out!’ ” But Joab answered,“ No. I’d rather die here.” Benaiah told the king what Joab had said to him.Then the king commanded Benaiah,“ Do what he says. Strike him down and bury him. Then I and my family line won’t be held accountable for the blood Joab spilled. He killed people who weren’t guilty of doing anything wrong.The Lord will pay him back for the blood he spilled. Joab attacked two men. He killed them with his sword. And my father David didn’t even know anything about it. Joab killed Abner, the son of Ner. Abner was the commander of Israel’s army. Joab also killed Amasa, the son of Jether. Amasa was the commander of Judah’s army. Abner and Amasa were better men than Joab is. They were more honest than he is.May Joab and his children after him be held forever accountable for spilling the blood of Abner and Amasa. But may David and his children after him enjoy the Lord’ s peace and rest forever. May the Lord also give his peace to David’s royal house and kingdom forever.”So Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada, went up to the Lord’ s tent. There he struck down Joab. And he killed him. Joab was buried at his home out in the country.
  • Numbers 35:25
    The court must provide a safe place for the person accused of murder. It must keep the one accused of murder safe from those who want to kill them. The court must send the accused person back to the city they ran to for safety. The accused person must stay there until the high priest dies. That priest has been anointed with holy oil.
  • Genesis 4:14
    Today you are driving me away from the land. I will be hidden from you. I’ll be a restless person who wanders around on the earth. Anyone who finds me will kill me.”
  • Psalms 51:4
    You are the one I’ve really sinned against. I’ve done what is evil in your sight. So you are right when you sentence me. You are fair when you judge me.
  • Exodus 22:2-3
    “ Suppose you catch a thief breaking into your house at night. And suppose you hit the thief and the thief dies. Then you are not guilty of murder.But suppose it happens after the sun has come up. Then you are guilty of murder.“ Anyone who steals must pay for whatever they steal. But suppose the thief does not have anything. Then the thief must be sold to pay for what was stolen.
  • Romans 13:4
    The one in authority serves God for your good. But if you do wrong, watch out! Rulers don’t carry a sword for no reason at all. They serve God. And God is carrying out his anger through them. The ruler punishes anyone who does wrong.