Joshua 9:23
Now therefore you are cursed, and some of you shall never be anything but servants, cutters of wood and drawers of water for the house of my God.”
Deuteronomy 27:16
“‘ Cursed be anyone who dishonors his father or his mother.’ And all the people shall say,‘ Amen.’
John 8:34
Jesus answered them,“ Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin.
1 Kings 9 20-1 Kings 9 21
All the people who were left of the Amorites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites, who were not of the people of Israel—their descendants who were left after them in the land, whom the people of Israel were unable to devote to destruction— these Solomon drafted to be slaves, and so they are to this day.
Genesis 9:22
And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father and told his two brothers outside.
Judges 1:28-30
When Israel grew strong, they put the Canaanites to forced labor, but did not drive them out completely.And Ephraim did not drive out the Canaanites who lived in Gezer, so the Canaanites lived in Gezer among them.Zebulun did not drive out the inhabitants of Kitron, or the inhabitants of Nahalol, so the Canaanites lived among them, but became subject to forced labor.
Genesis 49:7
Cursed be their anger, for it is fierce, and their wrath, for it is cruel! I will divide them in Jacob and scatter them in Israel.
Joshua 9:27
But Joshua made them that day cutters of wood and drawers of water for the congregation and for the altar of the Lord, to this day, in the place that he should choose.
Matthew 25:41
“ Then he will say to those on his left,‘ Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.
Genesis 4:11
And now you are cursed from the ground, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand.
2 Chronicles 8 7-2 Chronicles 8 8
All the people who were left of the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites, who were not of Israel,from their descendants who were left after them in the land, whom the people of Israel had not destroyed— these Solomon drafted as forced labor, and so they are to this day.
Deuteronomy 28:18
Cursed shall be the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your ground, the increase of your herds and the young of your flock.
Genesis 3:14
The Lord God said to the serpent,“ Because you have done this, cursed are you above all livestock and above all beasts of the field; on your belly you shall go, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life.