Genesis 27:41
Esau was angry with Jacob. He was angry because of the blessing his father had given to Jacob. He said to himself,“ The days of sorrow over my father’s death are near. Then I’ll kill my brother Jacob.”
1John 4:20
1 Samuel 17 28
David’s oldest brother Eliab heard him speaking with the men. So Eliab became very angry with him. Eliab asked David,“ Why have you come down here? Who is taking care of those few sheep in the desert for you? I know how proud you are. I know how evil your heart is. The only reason you came down here was to watch the battle.”
1 John 3 12
Don’t be like Cain. He belonged to the evil one. He murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because the things Cain had done were wrong. But the things his brother had done were right.
Genesis 49:23
Mean people shot arrows at him. They shot at him because they were angry.
1 John 2 11
But anyone who hates a brother or sister is in the darkness. They walk around in the darkness. They don’t know where they are going. The darkness has made them blind.
Titus 3:3
At one time we too acted like fools. We didn’t obey God. We were tricked. We were controlled by all kinds of desires and pleasures. We were full of evil. We wanted what belongs to others. People hated us, and we hated one another.
Psalms 69:4
Those who hate me without any reason are more than the hairs on my head. Many people who don’t have any reason to be my enemies are trying to destroy me. They force me to give back what I didn’t steal.
Genesis 4:5
But he wasn’t pleased with Cain and his offering. So Cain became very angry, and his face was sad.
Genesis 37:11
His brothers were jealous of him. But his father kept the dreams in mind.
1 Samuel 16 12-1 Samuel 16 13
So Jesse sent for his son and had him brought in. He looked very healthy. He had a fine appearance and handsome features. Then the Lord said,“ Get up and anoint him. This is the one.”So Samuel got the animal horn that was filled with olive oil. He anointed David in front of his brothers. From that day on, the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully on David. Samuel went back to Ramah.
John 15:18-19
“ My disciples, does the world hate you? Remember that it hated me first.If you belonged to the world, it would love you like one of its own. But you do not belong to the world. I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.
Psalms 38:19
Though I have done nothing to cause it, many people have become my enemies. They hate me without any reason.
Genesis 37:5
Joseph had a dream. When he told it to his brothers, they hated him even more.
1John 3:10
John 7:3-5
Jesus’ brothers said to him,“ Leave Galilee and go to Judea. Then your disciples there will see the works that you do.No one who wants to be well known does things in secret. Since you are doing these things, show yourself to the world.”Even Jesus’ own brothers did not believe in him.
Genesis 37:18-24
But they saw him a long way off. Before he reached them, they made plans to kill him.“ Here comes that dreamer!” they said to one another.“ Come. Let’s kill him. Let’s throw him into one of these empty wells. Let’s say that a wild animal ate him up. Then we’ll see whether his dreams will come true.”Reuben heard them talking. He tried to save Joseph from them.“ Let’s not take his life,” he said.“ Don’t spill any of his blood. Throw him into this empty well here in the desert. But don’t harm him yourselves.” Reuben said that to save Joseph from them. He was hoping he could take him back to his father.When Joseph came to his brothers, he was wearing his beautiful robe. They took it away from him.And they threw him into the well. The well was empty. There wasn’t any water in it.