<< Genesis 26:27 >>



  • Genesis 26:16
    Finally, Abimelech ordered Isaac to leave the country.“ Go somewhere else,” he said,“ for you have become too powerful for us.”
  • Judges 11:7
    But Jephthah said to them,“ Aren’t you the ones who hated me and drove me from my father’s house? Why do you come to me now when you’re in trouble?”
  • Revelation 3:9
    Look, I will force those who belong to Satan’s synagogue— those liars who say they are Jews but are not— to come and bow down at your feet. They will acknowledge that you are the ones I love.
  • Acts 7:14
    Then Joseph sent for his father, Jacob, and all his relatives to come to Egypt, seventy five persons in all.
  • Acts 7:9
    “ These patriarchs were jealous of their brother Joseph, and they sold him to be a slave in Egypt. But God was with him
  • Acts 7:27
    “ But the man in the wrong pushed Moses aside.‘ Who made you a ruler and judge over us?’ he asked.
  • Acts 7:35
    “ So God sent back the same man his people had previously rejected when they demanded,‘ Who made you a ruler and judge over us?’ Through the angel who appeared to him in the burning bush, God sent Moses to be their ruler and savior.
  • Genesis 26:14
    He acquired so many flocks of sheep and goats, herds of cattle, and servants that the Philistines became jealous of him.