<< Genesis 26:26 >>



  • Genesis 21:22-32
    At that time Abimelek and his army commander, Phicol, spoke to Abraham. They said to Abraham,“ God is with you in everything you do.Now make a promise to me here while God is watching. Give me your word that you will treat me fairly. Promise that you will treat my children and their children the same way. I’ve been kind to you. Now you be kind to me and the country where you are living as an outsider.”Abraham said,“ I give you my word that I’ll do it.”Then Abraham complained to Abimelek that his servants had taken over a well of water.But Abimelek said,“ I don’t know who has done this. You didn’t tell me. And today is the first time I heard about it.”So Abraham gave Abimelek sheep and cattle. The two men came to an agreement.Then Abraham picked out seven female lambs from his flock.Abimelek asked Abraham,“ What’s the meaning of these seven female lambs? Why have you picked them out and set them apart?”Abraham replied,“ Accept the seven lambs from me. They will be a witness that I dug this well.”So that place was named Beersheba. That’s because there the two men came to an agreement.After the agreement had been made at Beersheba, Abimelek went back to the land of the Philistines. His army commander, Phicol, went with him.
  • Genesis 20:3
    So God appeared to Abimelek in a dream one night. He said to him,“ You are as good as dead because of the woman you have taken. She is already married.”