1 Mose 31 44
Come now, let’s make a covenant, you and I, and let it serve as a witness between us.” (niv)
Jesaja 32:8
But the noble make noble plans, and by noble deeds they stand. (niv)
1 Mose 14 22-1 Mose 14 23
But Abram said to the king of Sodom,“ With raised hand I have sworn an oath to the Lord, God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth,that I will accept nothing belonging to you, not even a thread or the strap of a sandal, so that you will never be able to say,‘ I made Abram rich.’ (niv)
Sprüche 17:8
A bribe is seen as a charm by the one who gives it; they think success will come at every turn. (niv)
Galater 3:15
Brothers and sisters, let me take an example from everyday life. Just as no one can set aside or add to a human covenant that has been duly established, so it is in this case. (niv)
Sprüche 18:24
One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. (niv)
Sprüche 18:16
A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great. (niv)
Hesekiel 17:13
Then he took a member of the royal family and made a treaty with him, putting him under oath. He also carried away the leading men of the land, (niv)
Römer 1:31
they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. (niv)
1 Mose 26 28-1 Mose 26 31
They answered,“ We saw clearly that the Lord was with you; so we said,‘ There ought to be a sworn agreement between us’— between us and you. Let us make a treaty with youthat you will do us no harm, just as we did not harm you but always treated you well and sent you away peacefully. And now you are blessed by the Lord.”Isaac then made a feast for them, and they ate and drank.Early the next morning the men swore an oath to each other. Then Isaac sent them on their way, and they went away peacefully. (niv)
Sprüche 21:14
A gift given in secret soothes anger, and a bribe concealed in the cloak pacifies great wrath. (niv)
1 Samuel 18 3
And Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself. (niv)