Genesis 25:12
Now these are the records of the generations of Ishmael, Abraham’s son, whom Hagar the Egyptian, Sarah’s slave woman, bore to Abraham;
Genesis 25:9
Then his sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah, in the field of Ephron the son of Zohar the Hittite, facing Mamre,
Genesis 21:9-21
Now Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, whom she had borne to Abraham, mocking Isaac.Therefore she said to Abraham,“ Drive out this slave woman and her son, for the son of this slave woman shall not be an heir with my son Isaac!”The matter distressed Abraham greatly because of his son Ishmael.But God said to Abraham,“ Do not be distressed because of the boy and your slave woman; whatever Sarah tells you, listen to her, for through Isaac your descendants shall be named.And of the son of the slave woman I will make a nation also, because he is your descendant.”So Abraham got up early in the morning and took bread and a skin of water, and gave them to Hagar, putting them on her shoulder, and gave her the boy, and sent her away. And she departed and wandered about in the wilderness of Beersheba.When the water in the skin was used up, she left the boy under one of the bushes.Then she went and sat down opposite him, about a bowshot away, for she said,“ May I not see the boy die!” And she sat opposite him, and raised her voice and wept.God heard the boy crying; and the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven and said to her,“ What is the matter with you, Hagar? Do not fear, for God has heard the voice of the boy where he is.Get up, lift up the boy, and hold him by the hand, for I will make a great nation of him.”Then God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water; and she went and filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink.And God was with the boy, and he grew; and he lived in the wilderness and became an archer.He lived in the wilderness of Paran, and his mother took a wife for him from the land of Egypt.
Genesis 17:18
And Abraham said to God,“ Oh that Ishmael might live before You!”
Genesis 17:20
As for Ishmael, I have heard you; behold, I will bless him, and make him fruitful and multiply him exceedingly. He shall father twelve princes, and I will make him into a great nation.
Genesis 28:9
and Esau went to Ishmael, and married, besides the wives that he had, Mahalath the daughter of Ishmael, Abraham’s son, the sister of Nebaioth.
Genesis 17:25-26
And his son Ishmael was thirteen years old when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin.On this very same day Abraham was circumcised, as well as his son Ishmael.
Galatians 4:22-23
For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by the slave woman and one by the free woman.But the son by the slave woman was born according to the flesh, and the son by the free woman through the promise.
Genesis 16:11
The angel of the Lord said to her further,“ Behold, you are pregnant, And you will give birth to a son; And you shall name him Ishmael, Because the Lord has heard your affliction.
1 Chronicles 1 28
The sons of Abraham were Isaac and Ishmael.
Genesis 37:27
Come, and let’s sell him to the Ishmaelites and not lay our hands on him, for he is our brother, our own flesh.” And his brothers listened to him.