Amós 5:10
There are those who hate the one who upholds justice in court and detest the one who tells the truth. (niv)
Provérbios 9:8
Do not rebuke mockers or they will hate you; rebuke the wise and they will love you. (niv)
Gálatas 5:7
You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth? (niv)
João 8:45
Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me! (niv)
Gálatas 2:5
We did not give in to them for a moment, so that the truth of the gospel might be preserved for you. (niv)
1 Reis 22 8
The king of Israel answered Jehoshaphat,“ There is still one prophet through whom we can inquire of the Lord, but I hate him because he never prophesies anything good about me, but always bad. He is Micaiah son of Imlah.”“ The king should not say such a thing,” Jehoshaphat replied. (niv)
Salmos 141:5
Let a righteous man strike me— that is a kindness; let him rebuke me— that is oil on my head. My head will not refuse it, for my prayer will still be against the deeds of evildoers. (niv)
1 Reis 21 20
Ahab said to Elijah,“ So you have found me, my enemy!”“ I have found you,” he answered,“ because you have sold yourself to do evil in the eyes of the Lord. (niv)
João 7:7
The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify that its works are evil. (niv)
1 Reis 18 17-1 Reis 18 18
When he saw Elijah, he said to him,“ Is that you, you troubler of Israel?”“ I have not made trouble for Israel,” Elijah replied.“ But you and your father’s family have. You have abandoned the Lord’s commands and have followed the Baals. (niv)
2 Crônicas 25 16
While he was still speaking, the king said to him,“ Have we appointed you an adviser to the king? Stop! Why be struck down?” So the prophet stopped but said,“ I know that God has determined to destroy you, because you have done this and have not listened to my counsel.” (niv)
Gálatas 2:14
When I saw that they were not acting in line with the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas in front of them all,“ You are a Jew, yet you live like a Gentile and not like a Jew. How is it, then, that you force Gentiles to follow Jewish customs? (niv)
2 Crônicas 24 20-2 Crônicas 24 22
Then the Spirit of God came on Zechariah son of Jehoiada the priest. He stood before the people and said,“ This is what God says:‘ Why do you disobey the Lord’s commands? You will not prosper. Because you have forsaken the Lord, he has forsaken you.’”But they plotted against him, and by order of the king they stoned him to death in the courtyard of the Lord’s temple.King Joash did not remember the kindness Zechariah’s father Jehoiada had shown him but killed his son, who said as he lay dying,“ May the Lord see this and call you to account.” (niv)
1 Reis 22 27
and say,‘ This is what the king says: Put this fellow in prison and give him nothing but bread and water until I return safely.’” (niv)
Gálatas 3:1-4
You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified.I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by believing what you heard?Are you so foolish? After beginning by means of the Spirit, are you now trying to finish by means of the flesh?Have you experienced so much in vain— if it really was in vain? (niv)