<< Ezekiel 44:16 >>



  • Ezekiel 41:22
    A wooden altar stood in the main hall. It was a little over five feet high. It was three and a half feet long and three and a half feet wide. Its corners, base and sides were made out of wood. The man said to me,“ This is the table that stands in front of the Lord.”
  • Numbers 18:7-8
    But only you and your sons can serve as priests. Only you and your sons can work with everything at the altar and behind the curtain. I am letting you serve as priests. It is a gift from me. Anyone else who comes near the sacred tent must be put to death.”Then the Lord spoke to Aaron. He said,“ I have put you in charge of the offerings brought to me. The Israelites will give me holy offerings. I will give all their offerings to you and your sons. They are the part that belongs to you. They are your share for all time to come.
  • Malachi 1:7
    “ You sacrifice‘ unclean’ food on my altar.“ But you ask,‘ How have we made you“ unclean”?’“ You do it by looking down on my altar.
  • Malachi 1:12
    “ But you treat my name as if it were not holy. You say the Lord’ s altar is‘ unclean.’ And you look down on its food.
  • Deuteronomy 33:8-10
    Here’s what Moses said about Levi.“ Your Thummim and Urim belong to your faithful servant. You tested him at Massah. You argued with him at the waters of Meribah.Levi didn’t show special favor to anyone. He did not spare his father and mother. He didn’t excuse his relatives or his children. But he watched over your word. He guarded your covenant.He teaches your rules to the people of Jacob. He teaches your law to Israel. He offers incense to you. He sacrifices whole burnt offerings on your altar.
  • Revelation 1:6
    He has made us members of his royal family. He has made us priests who serve his God and Father. Glory and power belong to Jesus Christ for ever and ever! Amen.
  • Numbers 18:5
    “ You will be responsible for taking care of the sacred tent and the altar. Then I will not be angry with the Israelites again.