<< Ezekiel 3:5 >>



  • Jonah 1:2
    “ Go to the great city of Nineveh. Preach against it. The sins of its people have come to my attention.”
  • Isaiah 33:19
    You won’t see those proud people anymore. They spoke a strange language. None of us could understand it.
  • Psalms 81:5
    He gave it as a covenant law for the people of Joseph. It was given when God went out to punish Egypt. There I heard a voice I didn’t recognize.
  • Jonah 3:2-4
    “ Go to the great city of Nineveh. Announce to its people the message I give you.”Jonah obeyed the Lord. He went to Nineveh. It was a very large city. In fact, it took about three days to go through it.Jonah began by going one whole day into the city. As he went, he announced,“ In 40 days Nineveh will be destroyed.”
  • Ezekiel 3:6
    You are not being sent to many nations whose people speak other languages that are hard to learn. You would not be able to understand them. Suppose I had sent you to them. Then they certainly would have listened to you.
  • Acts 26:17-18
    I will save you from your own people and from the Gentiles. I am sending you to themto open their eyes. I want you to turn them from darkness to light. I want you to turn them from Satan’s power to God. I want their sins to be forgiven. They will be forgiven when they believe in me. They will have their place among God’s people.’
  • Isaiah 28:11
    All right then, these people won’t listen to me. So God will speak to them. He will speak by using people who speak unfamiliar languages. He will speak by using the mouths of strangers.