<< Ezekiel 3:18 >>


  • New Living Translation
    If I warn the wicked, saying,‘ You are under the penalty of death,’ but you fail to deliver the warning, they will die in their sins. And I will hold you responsible for their deaths.
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  • New International Version
    When I say to a wicked person,‘ You will surely die,’ and you do not warn them or speak out to dissuade them from their evil ways in order to save their life, that wicked person will die for their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood.
  • New International Reader's Version
    Suppose I say to a sinful person,‘ You can be sure you will die.’ And you do not warn them. You do not try to get them to change their evil ways in order to save their life. Then that sinful person will die because they have sinned. And I will hold you responsible for their death.
  • English Standard Version
    If I say to the wicked,‘ You shall surely die,’ and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, in order to save his life, that wicked person shall die for his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand.
  • Christian Standard Bible
    If I say to the wicked person,‘ You will surely die,’ but you do not warn him— you don’t speak out to warn him about his wicked way in order to save his life— that wicked person will die for his iniquity. Yet I will hold you responsible for his blood.
  • New American Standard Bible
    When I say to the wicked,‘ You will certainly die,’ and you do not warn him or speak out to warn the wicked from his wicked way so that he may live, that wicked person shall die for wrongdoing, but his blood I will require from your hand.
  • New King James Version
    When I say to the wicked,‘ You shall surely die,’ and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life, that same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand.
  • American Standard Version
    When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thy hand.
  • Holman Christian Standard Bible
    If I say to the wicked person,‘ You will surely die,’ but you do not warn him— you don’t speak out to warn him about his wicked way in order to save his life— that wicked person will die for his iniquity. Yet I will hold you responsible for his blood.
  • King James Version
    When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked[ man] shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.
  • New English Translation
    When I say to the wicked,“ You will certainly die,” and you do not warn him– you do not speak out to warn the wicked to turn from his wicked deed and wicked lifestyle so that he may live– that wicked person will die for his iniquity, but I will hold you accountable for his death.
  • World English Bible
    When I tell the wicked,‘ You will surely die;’ and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; that wicked man will die in his iniquity; but I will require his blood at your hand.


  • Ezekiel 33:6
    But if the watchman sees the enemy coming and doesn’t sound the alarm to warn the people, he is responsible for their captivity. They will die in their sins, but I will hold the watchman responsible for their deaths.’
  • Ezekiel 3:20
    “ If righteous people turn away from their righteous behavior and ignore the obstacles I put in their way, they will die. And if you do not warn them, they will die in their sins. None of their righteous acts will be remembered, and I will hold you responsible for their deaths.
  • James 5:19-20
    My dear brothers and sisters, if someone among you wanders away from the truth and is brought back,you can be sure that whoever brings the sinner back from wandering will save that person from death and bring about the forgiveness of many sins.
  • Acts 20:26-27
    I declare today that I have been faithful. If anyone suffers eternal death, it’s not my fault,for I didn’t shrink from declaring all that God wants you to know.
  • Ezekiel 33:8-10
    If I announce that some wicked people are sure to die and you fail to tell them to change their ways, then they will die in their sins, and I will hold you responsible for their deaths.But if you warn them to repent and they don’t repent, they will die in their sins, but you will have saved yourself.“ Son of man, give the people of Israel this message: You are saying,‘ Our sins are heavy upon us; we are wasting away! How can we survive?’
  • Acts 2:40
    Then Peter continued preaching for a long time, strongly urging all his listeners,“ Save yourselves from this crooked generation!”
  • John 8:21
    Later Jesus said to them again,“ I am going away. You will search for me but will die in your sin. You cannot come where I am going.”
  • Luke 13:5
    No, and I tell you again that unless you repent, you will perish, too.”
  • 1 Timothy 4 16
    Keep a close watch on how you live and on your teaching. Stay true to what is right for the sake of your own salvation and the salvation of those who hear you.
  • John 8:24
    That is why I said that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I Am who I claim to be, you will die in your sins.”
  • Genesis 2:17
    except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If you eat its fruit, you are sure to die.”
  • Ezekiel 18:13
    and lends money at excessive interest. Should such a sinful person live? No! He must die and must take full blame.
  • 2 Kings 1 4
    Now, therefore, this is what the Lord says: You will never leave the bed you are lying on; you will surely die.’” So Elijah went to deliver the message.
  • Luke 13:3
    Not at all! And you will perish, too, unless you repent of your sins and turn to God.
  • Acts 3:19
    Now repent of your sins and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped away.
  • Ezekiel 18:20
    The person who sins is the one who will die. The child will not be punished for the parent’s sins, and the parent will not be punished for the child’s sins. Righteous people will be rewarded for their own righteous behavior, and wicked people will be punished for their own wickedness.
  • Ephesians 5:5-6
    You can be sure that no immoral, impure, or greedy person will inherit the Kingdom of Christ and of God. For a greedy person is an idolater, worshiping the things of this world.Don’t be fooled by those who try to excuse these sins, for the anger of God will fall on all who disobey him.
  • Ezekiel 34:10
    This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I now consider these shepherds my enemies, and I will hold them responsible for what has happened to my flock. I will take away their right to feed the flock, and I will stop them from feeding themselves. I will rescue my flock from their mouths; the sheep will no longer be their prey.
  • Ezekiel 18:4
    For all people are mine to judge— both parents and children alike. And this is my rule: The person who sins is the one who will die.
  • Proverbs 14:32
    The wicked are crushed by disaster, but the godly have a refuge when they die.
  • Isaiah 3:11
    But the wicked are doomed, for they will get exactly what they deserve.
  • Luke 11:50-51
    “ As a result, this generation will be held responsible for the murder of all God’s prophets from the creation of the world—from the murder of Abel to the murder of Zechariah, who was killed between the altar and the sanctuary. Yes, it will certainly be charged against this generation.
  • Genesis 9:5-6
    “ And I will require the blood of anyone who takes another person’s life. If a wild animal kills a person, it must die. And anyone who murders a fellow human must die.If anyone takes a human life, that person’s life will also be taken by human hands. For God made human beings in his own image.
  • Ezekiel 18:30-32
    “ Therefore, I will judge each of you, O people of Israel, according to your actions, says the Sovereign Lord. Repent, and turn from your sins. Don’t let them destroy you!Put all your rebellion behind you, and find yourselves a new heart and a new spirit. For why should you die, O people of Israel?I don’t want you to die, says the Sovereign Lord. Turn back and live!
  • 1 Timothy 5 22
    Never be in a hurry about appointing a church leader. Do not share in the sins of others. Keep yourself pure.
  • Genesis 3:3-4
    “ It’s only the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden that we are not allowed to eat. God said,‘ You must not eat it or even touch it; if you do, you will die.’”“ You won’t die!” the serpent replied to the woman.
  • 2 Samuel 4 11
    How much more should I reward evil men who have killed an innocent man in his own house and on his own bed? Shouldn’t I hold you responsible for his blood and rid the earth of you?”
  • Numbers 26:65
    For the Lord had said of them,“ They will all die in the wilderness.” Not one of them survived except Caleb son of Jephunneh and Joshua son of Nun.
  • Genesis 42:22
    “ Didn’t I tell you not to sin against the boy?” Reuben asked.“ But you wouldn’t listen. And now we have to answer for his blood!”