에스겔 16:39
Then I will deliver you into the hands of your lovers, and they will tear down your mounds and destroy your lofty shrines. They will strip you of your clothes and take your fine jewelry and leave you stark naked. (niv)
예레미야 13:22
And if you ask yourself,“ Why has this happened to me?”— it is because of your many sins that your skirts have been torn off and your body mistreated. (niv)
에스겔 23:29
They will deal with you in hatred and take away everything you have worked for. They will leave you stark naked, and the shame of your prostitution will be exposed. Your lewdness and promiscuity (niv)
호세아 2:9-10
“ Therefore I will take away my grain when it ripens, and my new wine when it is ready. I will take back my wool and my linen, intended to cover her naked body.So now I will expose her lewdness before the eyes of her lovers; no one will take her out of my hands. (niv)
베드로전서 3:3-4
Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes.Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. (niv)
호세아 2:3
Otherwise I will strip her naked and make her as bare as on the day she was born; I will make her like a desert, turn her into a parched land, and slay her with thirst. (niv)
이사야 3:17-24
Therefore the Lord will bring sores on the heads of the women of Zion; the Lord will make their scalps bald.”In that day the Lord will snatch away their finery: the bangles and headbands and crescent necklaces,the earrings and bracelets and veils,the headdresses and anklets and sashes, the perfume bottles and charms,the signet rings and nose rings,the fine robes and the capes and cloaks, the pursesand mirrors, and the linen garments and tiaras and shawls.Instead of fragrance there will be a stench; instead of a sash, a rope; instead of well-dressed hair, baldness; instead of fine clothing, sackcloth; instead of beauty, branding. (niv)
요한계시록 17:16
The beast and the ten horns you saw will hate the prostitute. They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire. (niv)
에스겔 16:16
You took some of your garments to make gaudy high places, where you carried on your prostitution. You went to him, and he possessed your beauty. (niv)
요한계시록 18:14-17
“ They will say,‘ The fruit you longed for is gone from you. All your luxury and splendor have vanished, never to be recovered.’The merchants who sold these things and gained their wealth from her will stand far off, terrified at her torment. They will weep and mournand cry out:“‘ Woe! Woe to you, great city, dressed in fine linen, purple and scarlet, and glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls!In one hour such great wealth has been brought to ruin!’“ Every sea captain, and all who travel by ship, the sailors, and all who earn their living from the sea, will stand far off. (niv)
에스겔 16:37
therefore I am going to gather all your lovers, with whom you found pleasure, those you loved as well as those you hated. I will gather them against you from all around and will strip you in front of them, and they will see you stark naked. (niv)