<< Ezekiel 18:3 >>



  • Ezekiel 18:30
    “ So I will judge you Israelites. I will judge each of you in keeping with what you have done,” announces the Lord and King.“ Turn away from your sins! Turn away from all the evil things you have done. Then sin will not bring you down.
  • Ezekiel 18:19-20
    “ But you still ask,‘ Is the son guilty along with his father?’ No! The son did what was fair and right. He was careful to obey all my rules. So you can be sure he will live.A person will die because of their own sins. A child will not be guilty because of what their parent did. And a parent will not be guilty because of what their child did. The right things a godly person does will be added to their account. The wrong things a sinful person does will be charged against them.
  • Ezekiel 33:11-20
    Tell them,‘ When sinful people die, it does not give me any joy. But when they turn away from their sins and live, that makes me very happy. And that is just as sure as I am alive,’ announces the Lord and King.‘ So turn away from your sins! Change your evil ways! Why should you die, people of Israel?’“ Son of man, speak to your people. Tell them,‘ Suppose a godly person does not obey the Lord. Then the right things that person has done in the past count for nothing. Suppose a sinful person turns away from doing wrong things. Then the wrong things that person has done in the past won’t bring them judgment. A godly person who sins won’t be allowed to live. That’s true even though they used to do right things.’Suppose I tell a godly person that they will live. And they trust in the fact that they used to do what is right. But now they do what is evil. Then I will not remember any of the right things they have done. They will die because they have done so many evil things.Suppose I say to a sinful person,‘ You can be sure you will die.’ And then they turn away from their sin. They do what is fair and right.They return things they take to make sure loans are repaid. They give back what they have stolen. They obey my rules that give life. They do not do what is evil. Then you can be sure they will live. They will not die.None of the sins they have committed will be held against them. They have done what is fair and right. So you can be sure they will live.“ In spite of that, your people say,‘ What the Lord does isn’t fair.’ But it is what you do that is not fair.Suppose a godly person stops doing what is right. And they do what is evil. Then they will die because of it.But suppose a sinful person turns away from the evil things they have done. And they do what is fair and right. Then they will live by doing that.In spite of that, you Israelites say,‘ What the Lord does isn’t fair.’ But I will judge each of you based on how you have lived.”
  • Romans 3:19
    What the law says, it says to those who are ruled by the law. Its purpose is to shut every mouth and make the whole world accountable to God.
  • Ezekiel 36:31-32
    You will remember your evil ways and the sinful things you have done. You will hate yourselves because you have sinned so much. I also hate your evil practices.I want you to know that I am not doing those things for your benefit,” announces the Lord and King.“ People of Israel, you should be ashamed of yourselves! Your conduct has brought dishonor to you.” ’ ”