<< Ezekiel 12:3 >>


  • New International Reader's Version
    “ Son of man, pack your belongings as if you were going on a long trip. Leave in the daytime. Let the people see you. Start out from where you are. Go to another place. Perhaps they will understand the meaning of what you are doing. But they will still refuse to obey me.
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  • New International Version
    “ Therefore, son of man, pack your belongings for exile and in the daytime, as they watch, set out and go from where you are to another place. Perhaps they will understand, though they are a rebellious people.
  • English Standard Version
    As for you, son of man, prepare for yourself an exile’s baggage, and go into exile by day in their sight. You shall go like an exile from your place to another place in their sight. Perhaps they will understand, though they are a rebellious house.
  • New Living Translation
    “ So now, son of man, pretend you are being sent into exile. Pack the few items an exile could carry, and leave your home to go somewhere else. Do this right in front of the people so they can see you. For perhaps they will pay attention to this, even though they are such rebels.
  • Christian Standard Bible
    “ Now you, son of man, get your bags ready for exile and go into exile in their sight during the day. You will go into exile from your place to another place while they watch; perhaps they will understand, though they are a rebellious house.
  • New American Standard Bible
    So as for you, son of man, prepare for yourself baggage for exile and go into exile by day in their sight; that is, go into exile from your place to another place in their sight. Perhaps they will understand, though they are a rebellious house.
  • New King James Version
    “ Therefore, son of man, prepare your belongings for captivity, and go into captivity by day in their sight. You shall go from your place into captivity to another place in their sight. It may be that they will consider, though they are a rebellious house.
  • American Standard Version
    Therefore, thou son of man, prepare thee stuff for removing, and remove by day in their sight; and thou shalt remove from thy place to another place in their sight: it may be they will consider, though they are a rebellious house.
  • Holman Christian Standard Bible
    “ Son of man, get your bags ready for exile and go into exile in their sight during the day. You will go into exile from your place to another place while they watch; perhaps they will understand, though they are a rebellious house.
  • King James Version
    Therefore, thou son of man, prepare thee stuff for removing, and remove by day in their sight; and thou shalt remove from thy place to another place in their sight: it may be they will consider, though they[ be] a rebellious house.
  • New English Translation
    “ Therefore, son of man, pack up your belongings as if for exile. During the day, while they are watching, pretend to go into exile. Go from where you live to another place. Perhaps they will understand, although they are a rebellious house.
  • World English Bible
    “ Therefore, you son of man, prepare your stuff for moving, and move by day in their sight. You shall move from your place to another place in their sight. It may be they will consider, though they are a rebellious house.


  • Jeremiah 36:3
    The people of Judah will hear about all the trouble I plan to bring on them. Maybe then each of them will turn from their evil ways. If they do, I will forgive their sins and the evil things they have done.”
  • 2 Timothy 2 25
    They must gently teach those who are against them. Maybe God will give a change of heart to those who are against you. That will lead them to know the truth.
  • Jeremiah 26:3
    Perhaps they will listen. Maybe they will turn from their evil ways. Then I will not do what I said I would. I will not bring trouble on them. I had planned to punish them because of the evil things they had done.
  • Jeremiah 36:7
    They will hear what the Lord will do to them when his burning anger blazes out against them. Then perhaps they will pray to him. And maybe each of them will turn from their evil ways.”
  • Luke 20:13
    “ Then the owner of the vineyard said,‘ What should I do? I have a son, and I love him. I will send him. Maybe they will respect him.’
  • Ezekiel 12:10-12
    “ Tell them,‘ The Lord and King says,“ This prophecy is about Zedekiah, the prince in Jerusalem. It is also about all the Israelites who still live there.” ’Tell them,‘ The things I’ve done are a picture of what’s going to happen to you.“‘ So what I’ve done will happen to you. You will be forced to leave home. You will be taken to Babylon as prisoners.’“ The prince among them will put his things on his shoulder and leave. He will do this at sunset. Someone will dig a hole in the city wall for him to go through. He will cover his face so he can’t see the land.
  • Jeremiah 25:4-7
    “ The Lord has sent all his servants the prophets to you. They’ve come to you again and again. But you haven’t listened. You haven’t paid any attention to them.They said,‘ Each of you must turn from your evil ways and practices. Then you can stay in the land forever. It’s the land the Lord gave you and your people of long ago.Don’t follow other gods. Don’t serve them or worship them. Don’t make the Lord angry with the gods your own hands have made. Then he won’t harm you.’“‘ But you did not listen to me,’ announces the Lord.‘ You have made me very angry with the gods your hands have made. And you have brought harm on yourselves.’
  • Jeremiah 27:2
    The Lord said,“ Make a yoke out of ropes and wooden boards. Put it on your neck.
  • Luke 13:34
    “ Jerusalem! Jerusalem! You kill the prophets and throw stones in order to kill those who are sent to you. Many times I have wanted to gather your people together. I have wanted to be like a hen who gathers her chicks under her wings. And you would not let me.
  • Jeremiah 19:1-15
    The Lord said to Jeremiah,“ Go and buy a clay jar from a potter. Take along some of the elders of the people. Also tell some of the priests to go with you.Go out to the Valley of Ben Hinnom. Stand near the entrance of the gate where broken pieces of pottery are thrown away. There announce the message I give you.Tell the people,‘ Listen to the Lord’ s message, you kings of Judah and people of Jerusalem. The Lord who rules over all is the God of Israel. He says,“ Listen! I am going to bring trouble on Jerusalem. It will be so horrible that it will make the ears of everyone who hears about it ring.My people have deserted me. They have made this city a place where other gods are worshiped. They have burned incense to them here. They, their people of long ago and the kings of Judah had never known these gods. My people have also filled this place with the blood of those who aren’t guilty.They have built the high places where they worship Baal. There they sacrifice their children in the fire as offerings to Baal. That is something I did not command or talk about. It did not even enter my mind.So watch out!” announces the Lord.“ The days are coming when people will not call this place Topheth anymore. And they will not call it the Valley of Ben Hinnom either. Instead, they will call it the Valley of Death.“‘ “In this place I will make the plans of Judah and Jerusalem as useless as a broken jar. I will use their enemies to kill my people by swords. They will die at the hands of those who want to take their lives. I will give their dead bodies as food to the birds and the wild animals.I will completely destroy this city. I will make it a horrible thing. People will make fun of it. All those who pass by it will be shocked. They will laugh at its people because of all their wounds.I will make the people of this city eat their sons and daughters. And they will eat one another. They will do this because things will be so bad during the attack. The enemies who want to take their lives will bring all this trouble on them.” ’“ Jeremiah, break the jar while those who go with you are watching.Tell them,‘ Here is what the Lord who rules over all says.“ This potter’s jar is smashed and can’t be repaired. And I will smash this nation and this city. People will bury their dead in Topheth. But they will run out of room.Here is what I will do to Jerusalem and those who live here,” ’ announces the Lord.‘“ I will make this city like Topheth.The houses in Jerusalem will be made‘ unclean’ like Topheth. So will the houses of the kings of Judah. All these people burned incense on their roofs to all the stars. They poured out drink offerings to other gods.” ’ ”Then Jeremiah returned from Topheth. That’s where the Lord had sent him to prophesy. Jeremiah stood in the courtyard of the Lord’ s temple. He spoke to all the people. He said,“ The Lord who rules over all is the God of Israel. He says,‘ Listen! I am going to punish this city and all the villages around it. I am going to bring against them all the trouble I have announced. That’s because my people were stubborn. They would not listen to what I said.’ ”
  • Ezekiel 4:1-17
    “ Son of man, get a block of clay. Put it in front of you. Draw the city of Jerusalem on it.Then pretend to surround it and attack it. Make some little models of war machines. Build a ramp up to it. Set camps up around it. Surround it with models of logs to be used for knocking down its gates.Then get an iron pan. Put it between you and the city. Pretend it is an iron wall. Turn your face toward the city. It will be under attack when you begin to attack it. That will show the people of Israel what is going to happen to Jerusalem.“ Next, lie down on your left side. Pretend that you are putting Israel’s sin on yourself. Keep their sin on you for the number of days you lie on your side.Let each day you lie there stand for one year of their sin. So you will keep Israel’s sin on you for 390 days.“ After you have finished this, lie down again. This time lie on your right side. Pretend that you are putting Judah’s sin on yourself. Lie there for 40 days. That is one day for each year of their sin.Next, turn your face toward the model of Jerusalem under attack. Uncover your arm as if you were a soldier ready to fight. Prophesy against the city.I will tie you up with ropes. Then you will not be able to turn from one side to the other. You will stay that way until you have finished attacking Jerusalem.“ Get some wheat and barley. Also get some beans and lentils. And get some millet and spelt. Put everything in a storage jar. Use it to make some bread for yourself. Eat it during the 390 days you are lying down on your side.Weigh out eight ounces of food to eat each day. Eat it at your regular mealtimes.Also measure out two- thirds of a quart of water. Drink it at your regular mealtimes.Eat your food as you would eat a loaf of barley bread. Bake it over human waste in front of the people.”The Lord said,“ That is how the people of Israel will eat‘ unclean’ food. They will eat it in the nations where I will drive them.”Then I said,“ No, Lord and King! I won’t do this! I’ve never eaten anything‘ unclean.’ From the time I was young until now, I’ve never eaten anything that was found dead. And I’ve never eaten anything torn apart by wild animals.‘ Unclean’ meat has never entered my mouth.”“ All right,” he said.“ I will let you bake your bread over waste from cows. You can use that instead of human waste.”He continued,“ Son of man, I am about to cut off the food supply in Jerusalem. The people will be worried as they eat their tiny share of food. They will not have any hope as they drink their tiny share of water.There will be very little food and water. The people will be shocked as they look at one another. They will become weaker and weaker because of their sin.
  • Luke 13:8-9
    “‘ Sir,’ the man replied,‘ leave it alone for one more year. I’ll dig around it and feed it.If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.’ ”
  • Deuteronomy 32:29
    I wish they were wise. Then they would understand what’s coming. They’d realize what would happen to them in the end.
  • Jeremiah 13:1-11
    The Lord said to me,“ Go and buy a linen belt. Put it around your waist. But do not let it get wet.”So I bought a belt, just as the Lord had told me to do. And I put it around my waist.Then another message from the Lord came to me. The Lord said,“ Take off the belt you bought and are wearing around your waist. Go to Perath. Hide the belt there in a crack in the rocks.”So I went and hid it at Perath. I did just as the Lord had told me to do.Many days later the Lord said to me,“ Go to Perath. Get the belt I told you to hide there.”So I went to Perath. I dug up the belt. I took it from the place where I had hidden it. But it had rotted. It was completely useless.Then another message from the Lord came to me. The Lord said,“ In the same way, I will destroy Judah’s pride. And I will destroy the great pride of Jerusalem.These people are evil. They refuse to listen to what I say. They do what their stubborn hearts want them to do. They chase after other gods. They serve them and worship them. So they will be like this belt. They will be completely useless.A belt is tied around a person’s waist. In the same way, I tied all the people of Israel to me. I also tied all the people of Judah to me like a belt. I wanted them to be my people. They should have brought me fame and praise and honor. But they have not listened to me,” announces the Lord.
  • Deuteronomy 5:29
    But I wish they would always have respect for me in their hearts. I wish they would always obey all my commands. Then things would go well with them and their children forever.
  • Ezekiel 33:11
    Tell them,‘ When sinful people die, it does not give me any joy. But when they turn away from their sins and live, that makes me very happy. And that is just as sure as I am alive,’ announces the Lord and King.‘ So turn away from your sins! Change your evil ways! Why should you die, people of Israel?’
  • Jeremiah 18:2-12
    “ Jeremiah, go down to the potter’s house. I will give you my message there.”So I went down to the potter’s house. I saw him working at his wheel.His hands were shaping a pot out of clay. But he saw that something was wrong with it. So he formed it into another pot. He shaped it in the way that seemed best to him.Then the Lord’ s message came to me.“ People of Israel, I can do with you just as this potter does,” announces the Lord.“ The clay is in the potter’s hand. And you are in my hand, people of Israel.Suppose I announce that something will happen to a nation or kingdom. Suppose I announce that it will be pulled up by the roots. And I announce that it will be torn down and destroyed.But suppose the nation I warned turns away from its sins. Then I will not do what I said I would. I will not bring trouble on it as I had planned.But suppose I announce that a nation or kingdom is going to be built up and planted.And then it does what is evil in my eyes. It does not obey me. Then I will think again about the good things I had wanted to do for it.“ So speak to the people of Judah and Jerusalem. Tell them,‘ The Lord says,“ Look! I am making plans against you. I am going to bring trouble on you. So each one of you must turn from your evil ways. Change the way you live and act.” ’But they will reply,‘ It’s no use. We will continue to do what we’ve already planned. All of us will do what our stubborn and evil hearts want us to do.’ ”
  • Psalms 81:13
    “ I wish my people would listen to me! I wish Israel would live as I want them to live!