Numbers 28:3-8
Tell them,‘ Here is the food offering you must present to the Lord. Present to him two lambs a year old. They must not have any flaws. Present them as a regular burnt offering each day.Offer one lamb in the morning. Offer the other when the sun goes down.Present a grain offering along with them. It must have eight cups of the finest flour. Mix it with a quart of oil made from pressed olives.It is the regular burnt offering. The Lord established it at Mount Sinai. It has a pleasant smell. It is a food offering presented to the Lord.Along with that, offer a quart of wine as a drink offering. It must be given along with each lamb. Pour out the drink offering to the Lord at the sacred tent.Offer the second lamb when the sun goes down. Sacrifice it along with the same kind of grain offering and drink offering that you present in the morning. It is a food offering. Its smell pleases the Lord.
1 Chronicles 16 40
David left them there to sacrifice burnt offerings to the Lord on the altar every morning and evening. They did it according to everything written in the Law of the Lord. That’s the Law he had given to Israel.
2 Chronicles 2 4
Now I’m about to build a temple. The Name of the Lord my God will be there. I’ll set the temple apart for him. Sweet- smelling incense will be burned in front of him there. The holy bread will be set out at regular times. Burnt offerings will be sacrificed there every morning and evening. They will be sacrificed every Sabbath day. They will be sacrificed at every New Moon feast. And they will be sacrificed at every yearly appointed feast of the Lord our God. That’s a law for Israel that will last for all time to come.
Daniel 12:11
“ The daily sacrifices will be stopped. And the hated thing that destroys will be set up. After that, there will be 1,290 days.
2 Chronicles 13 11
Every morning and evening the priests bring burnt offerings and sweet- smelling incense to the Lord. They set out the holy bread on the table. That table is‘ clean.’ They light the lamps on the gold lampstand every evening. We always do what the Lord our God requires in his law. But you have deserted him.
2 Chronicles 31 3
The king gave some of his own possessions to the temple. He gave them for the morning and evening burnt offerings. He gave them for the burnt offerings for every Sabbath day. He gave them for the burnt offerings for every New Moon feast. And he gave them for the burnt offerings for every yearly appointed feast. He did it in keeping with what is written in the Law of the Lord.
Ezra 3:3
The people who built the altar were afraid of the nations around them. But they built it anyway. They set it up where it had stood before. They sacrificed burnt offerings on it to the Lord. They offered the morning and evening sacrifices on it.
Daniel 9:27
A covenant will be put into effect with many people for one‘ week.’ In the middle of the‘ week’ sacrifices and offerings will come to an end. And at the temple a hated thing that destroys will be set up. It will remain until that ruler who will come is destroyed. Then he will experience what the Lord has ordered.”
1 Peter 1 19
Instead, you were bought with the priceless blood of Christ. He is a perfect lamb. He doesn’t have any flaws at all.
John 1:29
The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him. John said,“ Look! The Lamb of God! He takes away the sin of the world!
Revelation 5:9-12
Here is the new song they sang.“ You are worthy to take the scroll and break open its seals. You are worthy because you were put to death. With your blood you bought people for God. They come from every tribe, people and nation, no matter what language they speak.You have made them members of a royal family. You have made them priests to serve our God. They will rule on the earth.”Then I looked and heard the voice of millions and millions of angels. They surrounded the throne. They surrounded the living creatures and the elders.In a loud voice they were saying,“ The Lamb, who was put to death, is worthy! He is worthy to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength! He is worthy to receive honor and glory and praise!”
Hebrews 7:27
He isn’t like the other high priests. They need to offer sacrifices day after day. First they bring offerings for their own sins. Then they do it for the sins of the people. But Jesus gave one sacrifice for the sins of the people. He gave it once and for all time. He did it by offering himself.
Daniel 9:21
While I was still praying, Gabriel came to me. I had seen him in my earlier vision. He flew over to me very quickly. It was about the time when the evening sacrifice is offered.