Numbers 4:9
And they shall take a cloth of blue and cover the lampstand for the light, with its lamps, its tongs, its trays, and all the vessels for oil with which it is supplied.
2 Kings 25 14
And they took away the pots and the shovels and the snuffers and the dishes for incense and all the vessels of bronze used in the temple service,
Isaiah 6:6
Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a burning coal that he had taken with tongs from the altar.
1 Kings 7 50
the cups, snuffers, basins, dishes for incense, and fire pans, of pure gold; and the sockets of gold, for the doors of the innermost part of the house, the Most Holy Place, and for the doors of the nave of the temple.
Exodus 37:23
And he made its seven lamps and its tongs and its trays of pure gold.
Jeremiah 52:18
And they took away the pots and the shovels and the snuffers and the basins and the dishes for incense and all the vessels of bronze used in the temple service;
2 Kings 12 13
But there were not made for the house of the Lord basins of silver, snuffers, bowls, trumpets, or any vessels of gold, or of silver, from the money that was brought into the house of the Lord,
2 Chronicles 4 21
the flowers, the lamps, and the tongs, of purest gold;