Exodus 13:2
“ Consecrate every firstborn male to Me, the firstborn from every womb among the Israelites, both man and domestic animal; it is Mine.”
Exodus 23:16
Also observe the Festival of Harvest with the firstfruits of your produce from what you sow in the field, and observe the Festival of Ingathering at the end of the year, when you gather your produce from the field.
Deuteronomy 26:2-10
you must take some of the first of all the land’s produce that you harvest from the land Yahweh your God is giving you and put it in a container. Then go to the place where the Lord your God chooses to have His name dwell.When you come before the priest who is serving at that time, you must say to him,‘ Today I acknowledge to the Lord your God that I have entered the land the Lord swore to our fathers to give us.’“ Then the priest will take the container from your hand and place it before the altar of the Lord your God.You are to respond by saying in the presence of the Lord your God: My father was a wandering Aramean. He went down to Egypt with a few people and lived there. There he became a great, powerful, and populous nation.But the Egyptians mistreated and afflicted us, and forced us to do hard labor.So we called out to Yahweh, the God of our fathers, and the Lord heard our cry and saw our misery, hardship, and oppression.Then the Lord brought us out of Egypt with a strong hand and an outstretched arm, with terrifying power, and with signs and wonders.He led us to this place and gave us this land, a land flowing with milk and honey.I have now brought the first of the land’s produce that You, Lord, have given me. You will then place the container before the Lord your God and bow down to Him.
Exodus 23:19
“ Bring the best of the firstfruits of your land to the house of the Lord your God.“ You must not boil a young goat in its mother’s milk.
Matthew 6:33
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you.
Proverbs 3:9-10
Honor the Lord with your possessions and with the first produce of your entire harvest;then your barns will be completely filled, and your vats will overflow with new wine.
James 1:18
By His own choice, He gave us a new birth by the message of truth so that we would be the firstfruits of His creatures.
Romans 8:23
And not only that, but we ourselves who have the Spirit as the firstfruits— we also groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for adoption, the redemption of our bodies.
Exodus 13:12
you are to present to the Lord every firstborn male of the womb. All firstborn offspring of the livestock you own that are males will be the Lord’s.
Micah 7:1
How sad for me! For I am like one who— when the summer fruit has been gathered after the gleaning of the grape harvest— finds no grape cluster to eat, no early fig, which I crave.
2 Chronicles 31 5
When the word spread, the Israelites gave liberally of the best of the grain, new wine, oil, honey, and of all the produce of the field, and they brought in an abundance, a tenth of everything.
2 Kings 4 42
A man from Baal-shalishah came to the man of God with his sack full of 20 loaves of barley bread from the first bread of the harvest. Elisha said,“ Give it to the people to eat.”
Exodus 34:19
“ The firstborn male from every womb belongs to Me, including all your male livestock, the firstborn of cattle or sheep.
Ezekiel 20:40
For on My holy mountain, Israel’s high mountain”— the declaration of the Lord God—“ there the entire house of Israel, all of them, will serve Me in the land. There I will accept them and will require your contributions and choicest gifts, all your holy offerings.