Matthew 28:20
Teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And you can be sure that I am always with you, to the very end.”
Deuteronomy 12:32
Be sure you do everything I am commanding you to do. Do not add anything to my commands. And do not take anything away from them.
John 2:5
His mother said to the servants,“ Do what he tells you.”
Exodus 12:41
Then all the Lord’ s people marched out of Egypt like an army. That happened at the end of the 430 years, to the exact day.
John 15:14
You are my friends if you do what I command.
Matthew 7:24-25
“ So then, everyone who hears my words and puts them into practice is like a wise man. He builds his house on the rock.The rain comes down. The water rises. The winds blow and beat against that house. But it does not fall. It is built on the rock.
Exodus 6:26
The Lord had spoken to this same Aaron and Moses. He had told them,“ Bring the Israelites out of Egypt like an army on the march.”
John 13:17
Now you know these things. So you will be blessed if you do them.
Deuteronomy 4:1-2
Now, Israel, listen to the rules and laws I’m going to teach you. Obey them and you will live. You will go in and take over the land. The Lord was the God of your people of long ago. He’s giving you the land.Don’t add to what I’m commanding you. Don’t subtract from it either. Instead, obey the commands of the Lord your God that I’m giving you.
Exodus 7:4
In spite of that, he will not listen to you. So I will use my powerful hand against Egypt. When I judge them with mighty acts, I will bring my people Israel out like an army on the march.
Revelation 22:15
Outside the city are those who are impure. These people include those who practice witchcraft. Outside are also those who commit sexual sins and murder. Outside are those who worship statues of gods. And outside is everyone who loves and does what is false.