Leviticus 26:42
then I will remember my covenant with Jacob, my covenant with Isaac, and also my covenant with Abraham; and I will remember the land.
Deuteronomy 31:8
Yahweh himself is who goes before you. He will be with you. He will not fail you nor forsake you. Don’t be afraid. Don’t be discouraged.”
Jonah 4:2
He prayed to Yahweh, and said,“ Please, Yahweh, wasn’t this what I said when I was still in my own country? Therefore I hurried to flee to Tarshish, for I knew that you are a gracious God, and merciful, slow to anger, and abundant in loving kindness, and you relent of doing harm.
Deuteronomy 31:6
Be strong and courageous. Don’t be afraid or scared of them; for Yahweh your God himself is who goes with you. He will not fail you nor forsake you.”
Leviticus 26:45
But I will for their sake remember the covenant of their ancestors, whom I brought out of the land of Egypt in the sight of the nations, that I might be their God. I am Yahweh.’”
Psalms 116:5
Yahweh is Gracious and righteous. Yes, our God is merciful.
Nehemiah 9:31
“ Nevertheless in your manifold mercies you didn’t make a full end of them, nor forsake them; for you are a gracious and merciful God.
2 Chronicles 30 9
For if you turn again to Yahweh, your brothers and your children will find compassion before those who led them captive, and will come again into this land, because Yahweh your God is gracious and merciful, and will not turn away his face from you, if you return to him.”
Psalms 111:9
He has sent redemption to his people. He has ordained his covenant forever. His name is holy and awesome!
Jeremiah 14:21
Do not abhor us, for your name’s sake. Do not disgrace the throne of your glory. Remember, and don’t break your covenant with us.
Psalms 145:8-9
Yahweh is gracious, merciful, slow to anger, and of great loving kindness.Yahweh is good to all. His tender mercies are over all his works.
Luke 1:72
to show mercy toward our fathers, to remember his holy covenant,
Psalms 111:5
He has given food to those who fear him. He always remembers his covenant.
Exodus 34:6-7
Yahweh passed by before him, and proclaimed,“ Yahweh! Yahweh, a merciful and gracious God, slow to anger, and abundant in loving kindness and truth,keeping loving kindness for thousands, forgiving iniquity and disobedience and sin; and who will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, and on the children’s children, on the third and on the fourth generation.”
Joshua 1:5
No man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not fail you nor forsake you.
Nehemiah 1:5
and said,“ I beg you, Yahweh, the God of heaven, the great and awesome God, who keeps covenant and loving kindness with those who love him and keep his commandments:
1 Chronicles 28 20
David said to Solomon his son,“ Be strong and courageous, and do it. Don’t be afraid, nor be dismayed; for Yahweh God, even my God, is with you. He will not fail you, nor forsake you, until all the work for the service of Yahweh’s house is finished.
Psalms 86:5
For you, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive, abundant in loving kindness to all those who call on you.
Psalms 86:15
But you, Lord, are a merciful and gracious God, slow to anger, and abundant in loving kindness and truth.
Numbers 14:18
‘ Yahweh is slow to anger, and abundant in loving kindness, forgiving iniquity and disobedience; and he will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and on the fourth generation.’
Psalms 105:8
He has remembered his covenant forever, the word which he commanded to a thousand generations,
Micah 7:18
Who is a God like you, who pardons iniquity, and passes over the disobedience of the remnant of his heritage? He doesn’t retain his anger forever, because he delights in loving kindness.