<< Deuteronomy 31:16 >>


  • New American Standard Bible
    The Lord said to Moses,“ Behold, you are about to lie down with your fathers; and this people will arise and play the prostitute with the foreign gods of the land into the midst of which they are going, and they will abandon Me and break My covenant which I have made with them.
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  • New International Version
    And the Lord said to Moses:“ You are going to rest with your ancestors, and these people will soon prostitute themselves to the foreign gods of the land they are entering. They will forsake me and break the covenant I made with them.
  • New International Reader's Version
    The Lord spoke to Moses. He said,“ You are going to join the members of your family who have already died. The Israelites will not be faithful to me. They will soon join themselves to the false gods that are worshiped in the land they are entering. The people will desert me. They will break the covenant I made with them.
  • English Standard Version
    And the Lord said to Moses,“ Behold, you are about to lie down with your fathers. Then this people will rise and whore after the foreign gods among them in the land that they are entering, and they will forsake me and break my covenant that I have made with them.
  • New Living Translation
    The Lord said to Moses,“ You are about to die and join your ancestors. After you are gone, these people will begin to worship foreign gods, the gods of the land where they are going. They will abandon me and break my covenant that I have made with them.
  • Christian Standard Bible
    The LORD said to Moses,“ You are about to rest with your ancestors, and these people will soon prostitute themselves with the foreign gods of the land they are entering. They will abandon me and break the covenant I have made with them.
  • New King James Version
    And the Lord said to Moses:“ Behold, you will rest with your fathers; and this people will rise and play the harlot with the gods of the foreigners of the land, where they go to be among them, and they will forsake Me and break My covenant which I have made with them.
  • American Standard Version
    And Jehovah said unto Moses, Behold, thou shalt sleep with thy fathers; and this people will rise up, and play the harlot after the strange gods of the land, whither they go to be among them, and will forsake me, and break my covenant which I have made with them.
  • Holman Christian Standard Bible
    The Lord said to Moses,“ You are about to rest with your fathers, and these people will soon commit adultery with the foreign gods of the land they are entering. They will abandon Me and break the covenant I have made with them.
  • King James Version
    And the LORD said unto Moses, Behold, thou shalt sleep with thy fathers; and this people will rise up, and go a whoring after the gods of the strangers of the land, whither they go[ to be] among them, and will forsake me, and break my covenant which I have made with them.
  • New English Translation
    Then the LORD said to Moses,“ You are about to die, and then these people will begin to prostitute themselves with the foreign gods of the land into which they are going. They will reject me and break my covenant that I have made with them.
  • World English Bible
    Yahweh said to Moses,“ Behold, you shall sleep with your fathers. This people will rise up and play the prostitute after the strange gods of the land where they go to be among them, and will forsake me and break my covenant which I have made with them.


  • Judges 10:6
    Then the sons of Israel again did evil in the sight of the Lord, and they served the Baals and the Ashtaroth, the gods of Aram, the gods of Sidon, the gods of Moab, the gods of the sons of Ammon, and the gods of the Philistines; so they abandoned the Lord and did not serve Him.
  • Judges 2:12
    and they abandoned the Lord, the God of their fathers, who had brought them out of the land of Egypt, and they followed other gods from the gods of the peoples who were around them, and bowed down to them; so they provoked the Lord to anger.
  • Judges 10:13
    Yet you abandoned Me and served other gods; therefore I will no longer save you.
  • Revelation 19:2
    because His judgments are true and righteous; for He has judged the great prostitute who was corrupting the earth with her sexual immorality, and He has avenged the blood of His bond servants on her.”
  • Deuteronomy 32:15
    “ But Jeshurun became fat and kicked— You have become fat, thick, and obstinate— Then he abandoned God who made him, And rejected the Rock of his salvation.
  • Exodus 34:15
    otherwise you might make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, and they would prostitute themselves with their gods and sacrifice to their gods, and someone might invite you to eat of his sacrifice,
  • Acts 13:36
    For David, after he had served God’s purpose in his own generation, fell asleep, and was buried among his fathers and underwent decay;
  • Ezekiel 16:15
    “ But you trusted in your beauty and became unfaithful because of your fame, and you poured out your obscene practices on every passer by to whom it might be tempting.
  • Hosea 2:2-5
    “ Dispute with your mother, dispute, Because she is not my wife, and I am not her husband; But she must remove her infidelity from her face And her adultery from between her breasts,Otherwise, I will strip her naked And expose her as on the day she was born. I will also make her like a wilderness, Make her like desert land, And put her to death with thirst.Also, I will take no pity on her children, Because they are children of infidelity.For their mother has committed prostitution; She who conceived them has acted shamefully. For she said,‘ I will go after my lovers, Who give me my bread and my water, My wool and my flax, my oil and my drink.’
  • Jeremiah 3:1-3
    God says,“ If a husband divorces his wife And she leaves him And becomes another man’s wife, Will he return to her again? Would that land not be completely defiled? But you are a prostitute with many lovers; Yet you turn to Me,” declares the Lord.“ Raise your eyes to the bare heights and see; Where have you not been violated? You have sat for them by the roads Like an Arab in the desert, And you have defiled a land With your prostitution and your wickedness.Therefore the showers have been withheld, And there has been no spring rain. Yet you had a prostitute’s forehead; You refused to be ashamed.
  • Isaiah 57:2-8
    He enters into peace; They rest in their beds, Each one who walked in his upright way.“ But come here, you sons of a sorceress, Offspring of an adulterer and a prostitute!Of whom do you make fun? Against whom do you open wide your mouth And stick out your tongue? Are you not children of rebellion, Offspring of deceit,Who inflame yourselves among the oaks, Under every luxuriant tree, Who slaughter the children in the ravines, Under the clefts of the rocks?Among the smooth stones of the ravine Is your portion, they are your lot; Even to them you have poured out a drink offering, You have made a grain offering. Should I relent of these things?On a high and lofty mountain You have made your bed. You also went up there to offer sacrifice.Behind the door and the doorpost You have set up your sign; Indeed, far removed from Me, you have uncovered yourself, And have gone up and made your bed wide. And you have made an agreement for yourself with them, You have loved their bed, You have looked at their manhood.
  • Jeremiah 2:11-13
    Has a nation changed gods, When they were not gods? But My people have exchanged their glory For that which is of no benefit.Be appalled at this, you heavens, And shudder, be very desolate,” declares the Lord.“ For My people have committed two evils: They have abandoned Me, The fountain of living waters, To carve out for themselves cisterns, Broken cisterns That do not hold water.
  • Psalms 73:27
    For, behold, those who are far from You will perish; You have destroyed all those who are unfaithful to You.
  • Judges 2:17-20
    Yet they did not listen to their judges, for they committed infidelity with other gods and bowed down to them. They turned aside quickly from the way in which their fathers had walked in obeying the commandments of the Lord; they did not do the same as their fathers.And when the Lord raised up judges for them, the Lord was with the judge and saved them from the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge; for the Lord was moved to pity by their groaning because of those who tormented and oppressed them.But it came about, when the judge died, that they would turn back and act more corruptly than their fathers, in following other gods to serve them and bow down to them; they did not abandon their practices or their obstinate ways.So the anger of the Lord burned against Israel, and He said,“ Because this nation has violated My covenant which I commanded their fathers, and has not listened to My voice,
  • Genesis 25:8
    Abraham breathed his last and died at a good old age, an old man and satisfied with life; and he was gathered to his people.
  • Ezekiel 16:25-36
    You built yourself a high place at the beginning of every street and made your beauty abominable, and you spread your legs to every passer by and multiplied your obscene practice.You also committed prostitution with the Egyptians, your lustful neighbors, and multiplied your obscene practice to provoke Me to anger.So behold, I have stretched out My hand against you and cut back your rations. And I turned you over to the desire of those who hate you, the daughters of the Philistines, who are ashamed of your outrageous conduct.Moreover, you committed prostitution with the Assyrians because you were not satisfied; you committed prostitution with them and still were not satisfied.You also multiplied your obscene practice with the land of merchants, Chaldea; yet even with this you were not satisfied.” ’ ”“ How feverish is your heart,” declares the Lord God,“ while you do all these things, the action of a bold prostitute!When you built your shrine at the beginning of every street and made your high place in every public square, in spurning a prostitute’s fee, you were not like a prostitute.You adulteress wife, who takes strangers instead of her husband!Men give gifts to all prostitutes, but you give your gifts to all your lovers and lavish favors on them so that they will come to you from every direction for your obscene practices.So it is the opposite for you from those women in your obscene practices, in that you are not approached for prostitution, and in the fact that you pay a prostitute’s fee, and no fee is paid to you; so you are the opposite.”Therefore, you prostitute, hear the word of the Lord.This is what the Lord God says:“ Because your lewdness was poured out and your nakedness uncovered through your obscene practices with your lovers and with all your detestable idols, and because of the blood of your sons that you gave to idols,
  • Leviticus 26:15
    if, instead, you reject My statutes, and if your soul loathes My ordinances so as not to carry out all My commandments, but rather to break My covenant,
  • Exodus 32:6
    So the next day they got up early and offered burnt offerings, and brought peace offerings; and the people sat down to eat and to drink, and got up to engage in lewd behavior.
  • Leviticus 20:3-6
    I will also set My face against that man and will cut him off from among his people, because he has given some of his children to Molech, so as to defile My sanctuary and to profane My holy name.If the people of the land, however, should ever disregard that man when he gives any of his children to Molech, so as not to put him to death,then I Myself will set My face against that man and against his family, and I will cut off from among their people both him and all those who play the prostitute with him, by playing the prostitute with Molech.‘ As for the person who turns to mediums and to spiritists, to play the prostitute with them, I will also set My face against that person and will cut him off from among his people.
  • 2 Samuel 7 12
    When your days are finished and you lie down with your fathers, I will raise up your descendant after you, who will come from you, and I will establish his kingdom.
  • Job 20:11
    His bones are full of his youthful strength, But it lies down with him in the dust.
  • Ezekiel 23:5-21
    “ Oholah prostituted herself while she was Mine; and she lusted after her lovers, after the Assyrians, her neighbors,who were clothed in purple, governors and officials, all of them handsome young men, horsemen riding on horses.She bestowed her obscene practices on them, all of whom were the choicest men of Assyria; and with all whom she lusted after, with all their idols she defiled herself.She did not abandon her obscene practices from the time in Egypt; for in her youth men had slept with her, and they handled her virgin breasts and poured out their obscene practice on her.Therefore, I handed her over to her lovers, to the Assyrians, after whom she lusted.They uncovered her nakedness; they took her sons and her daughters, but they killed her with the sword. So she became a subject of gossip among women, and they executed judgments on her.“ Now her sister Oholibah saw this, yet she was more corrupt in her lust than she, and her obscene practices were more than the prostitution of her sister.She lusted after the Assyrians, governors and officials, the ones near, opulently dressed, horsemen riding on horses, all of them handsome young men.And I saw that she had defiled herself; they both took the same way.So she increased her obscene practices. And she saw men carved on the wall, images of the Chaldeans drawn in bright red,wearing belts around their waists, with flowing turbans on their heads, all of them looking like officers, like the Babylonians in Chaldea, the land of their birth.And when she saw them she lusted after them and sent messengers to them in Chaldea.And the Babylonians came to her to the bed of love and defiled her with their obscene practice. And when she had been defiled by them, she turned away from them in disgust.She exposed her obscene practices and exposed her nakedness; then I turned away from her in disgust, just as I had turned away from her sister in disgust.Yet she multiplied her obscene practices, remembering the days of her youth, when she prostituted herself in the land of Egypt.She lusted after their lovers, whose flesh is like the flesh of donkeys and whose discharge is like the discharge of horses.So you longed for the outrageous sin of your youth, when the Egyptians handled your breasts because of the breasts of your youth.
  • Psalms 106:39
    So they became unclean in their practices, And were unfaithful in their deeds.
  • Revelation 17:2-5
    with whom the kings of the earth committed acts of sexual immorality, and those who live on the earth became drunk with the wine of her sexual immorality.”And he carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness; and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast, full of blasphemous names, having seven heads and ten horns.The woman was clothed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold, precious stones, and pearls, holding in her hand a gold cup full of abominations and of the unclean things of her sexual immorality,and on her forehead a name was written, a mystery:“ BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF PROSTITUTES AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.”
  • Jeremiah 31:32
    not like the covenant which I made with their fathers on the day I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, although I was a husband to them,” declares the Lord.