Levítico 17:2-5
“ Speak to Aaron and his sons and to all the Israelites and say to them:‘ This is what the Lord has commanded:Any Israelite who sacrifices an ox, a lamb or a goat in the camp or outside of itinstead of bringing it to the entrance to the tent of meeting to present it as an offering to the Lord in front of the tabernacle of the Lord— that person shall be considered guilty of bloodshed; they have shed blood and must be cut off from their people.This is so the Israelites will bring to the Lord the sacrifices they are now making in the open fields. They must bring them to the priest, that is, to the Lord, at the entrance to the tent of meeting and sacrifice them as fellowship offerings. (niv)
1 Reis 15 34
He did evil in the eyes of the Lord, following the ways of Jeroboam and committing the same sin Jeroboam had caused Israel to commit. (niv)
Deuteronômio 12:6
there bring your burnt offerings and sacrifices, your tithes and special gifts, what you have vowed to give and your freewill offerings, and the firstborn of your herds and flocks. (niv)
1 Reis 12 28-1 Reis 12 32
After seeking advice, the king made two golden calves. He said to the people,“ It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem. Here are your gods, Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt.”One he set up in Bethel, and the other in Dan.And this thing became a sin; the people came to worship the one at Bethel and went as far as Dan to worship the other.Jeroboam built shrines on high places and appointed priests from all sorts of people, even though they were not Levites.He instituted a festival on the fifteenth day of the eighth month, like the festival held in Judah, and offered sacrifices on the altar. This he did in Bethel, sacrificing to the calves he had made. And at Bethel he also installed priests at the high places he had made. (niv)
2 Crônicas 15 17
Although he did not remove the high places from Israel, Asa’s heart was fully committed to the Lord all his life. (niv)