Daniel 7:28
“ This is the end of the matter. I, Daniel, was deeply troubled by my thoughts, and my face turned pale, but I kept the matter to myself.” (niv)
Habaquq 3:16
I heard and my heart pounded, my lips quivered at the sound; decay crept into my bones, and my legs trembled. Yet I will wait patiently for the day of calamity to come on the nation invading us. (niv)
Luc 19:41-44
As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over itand said,“ If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace— but now it is hidden from your eyes.The days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment against you and encircle you and hem you in on every side.They will dash you to the ground, you and the children within your walls. They will not leave one stone on another, because you did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you.” (niv)
Jérémie 17:16
I have not run away from being your shepherd; you know I have not desired the day of despair. What passes my lips is open before you. (niv)
Daniel 2:1
In the second year of his reign, Nebuchadnezzar had dreams; his mind was troubled and he could not sleep. (niv)
Daniel 2:3
he said to them,“ I have had a dream that troubles me and I want to know what it means.” (niv)
Daniel 4:5
I had a dream that made me afraid. As I was lying in bed, the images and visions that passed through my mind terrified me. (niv)
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because I know that I will soon put it aside, as our Lord Jesus Christ has made clear to me. (niv)
Daniel 8:27
I, Daniel, was worn out. I lay exhausted for several days. Then I got up and went about the king’s business. I was appalled by the vision; it was beyond understanding. (niv)
Daniel 7:1
In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon, Daniel had a dream, and visions passed through his mind as he was lying in bed. He wrote down the substance of his dream. (niv)
Genèse 40:7-8
So he asked Pharaoh’s officials who were in custody with him in his master’s house,“ Why do you look so sad today?”“ We both had dreams,” they answered,“ but there is no one to interpret them.” Then Joseph said to them,“ Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell me your dreams.” (niv)
Romains 9:2-3
I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart.For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my people, those of my own race, (niv)
Genèse 41:8
In the morning his mind was troubled, so he sent for all the magicians and wise men of Egypt. Pharaoh told them his dreams, but no one could interpret them for him. (niv)
Jérémie 15:17-18
I never sat in the company of revelers, never made merry with them; I sat alone because your hand was on me and you had filled me with indignation.Why is my pain unending and my wound grievous and incurable? You are to me like a deceptive brook, like a spring that fails. (niv)
Daniel 4:19
Then Daniel( also called Belteshazzar) was greatly perplexed for a time, and his thoughts terrified him. So the king said,“ Belteshazzar, do not let the dream or its meaning alarm you.” Belteshazzar answered,“ My lord, if only the dream applied to your enemies and its meaning to your adversaries! (niv)
Apocalypse 10:9-11
So I went to the angel and asked him to give me the little scroll. He said to me,“ Take it and eat it. It will turn your stomach sour, but‘ in your mouth it will be as sweet as honey.’”I took the little scroll from the angel’s hand and ate it. It tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it, my stomach turned sour.Then I was told,“ You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, languages and kings.” (niv)