<< Daniel 2:34 >>


  • New International Reader's Version
    While you were watching, a rock was cut out. But human hands didn’t do it. It struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay. It smashed them.
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  • 施約瑟淺文理新舊約聖經
  • New International Version
    While you were watching, a rock was cut out, but not by human hands. It struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and smashed them.
  • English Standard Version
    As you looked, a stone was cut out by no human hand, and it struck the image on its feet of iron and clay, and broke them in pieces.
  • New Living Translation
    As you watched, a rock was cut from a mountain, but not by human hands. It struck the feet of iron and clay, smashing them to bits.
  • Christian Standard Bible
    As you were watching, a stone broke off without a hand touching it, struck the statue on its feet of iron and fired clay, and crushed them.
  • New American Standard Bible
    You continued watching until a stone was broken off without hands, and it struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay, and crushed them.
  • New King James Version
    You watched while a stone was cut out without hands, which struck the image on its feet of iron and clay, and broke them in pieces.
  • American Standard Version
    Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon its feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them in pieces.
  • Holman Christian Standard Bible
    As you were watching, a stone broke off without a hand touching it, struck the statue on its feet of iron and fired clay, and crushed them.
  • King James Version
    Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet[ that were] of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces.
  • New English Translation
    You were watching as a stone was cut out, but not by human hands. It struck the statue on its iron and clay feet, breaking them in pieces.
  • World English Bible
    You saw until a stone was cut out without hands, which struck the image on its feet that were of iron and clay, and broke them in pieces.


  • Daniel 8:25
    He will tell lies in order to succeed. He will think he is more important than anyone else. When people feel safe, he will destroy many of them. He will stand up against the greatest Prince of all. Then he will be destroyed. But he will not be killed by human beings.
  • Daniel 2:44-45
    “ In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom. It will never be destroyed. And no other nation will ever take it over. It will crush all those other kingdoms. It will bring them to an end. But it will last forever.That’s what the vision of the rock cut out of a mountain means. Human hands didn’t cut out the rock. It broke the statue to pieces. It smashed the iron, bronze, clay, silver and gold.“ The great God has shown you what will take place in days to come. The dream is true. And you can trust the meaning of it that I have explained to you.”
  • Isaiah 60:12
    The nation or kingdom that will not serve you will be destroyed. It will be completely wiped out.
  • Zechariah 12:3
    At that time all the nations on earth will gather together against Jerusalem. Then it will become like a rock that can’t be moved. All the nations that try to move it will only hurt themselves.
  • Zechariah 4:6
    So he said to me,“ A message from the Lord came to Zerubbabel. The Lord said,‘ Your strength will not get my temple rebuilt. Your power will not do it either. Only the power of my Spirit will do it,’ says the Lord who rules over all.
  • 2 Corinthians 5 1
    We know that the earthly tent we live in will be destroyed. But we have a building made by God. It is a house in heaven that lasts forever. Human hands did not build it.
  • Psalms 2:8-12
    Ask me, and I will give the nations to you. All nations on earth will belong to you.You will break them with an iron scepter. You will smash them to pieces like clay pots.”Kings, be wise! Rulers of the earth, be warned!Serve the Lord and have respect for him. Celebrate his rule with trembling.Obey the son completely, or he will be angry. Your way of life will lead to your death. His anger can blaze out at any moment. Blessed are all those who go to him for safety.
  • Hebrews 9:24
    Christ did not enter a sacred tent made with human hands. That tent was only a copy of the true one. He entered heaven itself. He did it to stand in front of God for us. He is there right now.
  • Acts 4:11
    Scripture says that Jesus is“‘ the stone you builders did not accept. But it has become the most important stone of all.’( Psalm 118:22)
  • John 1:13
    To be a child of God has nothing to do with human parents. Children of God are not born because of human choice or because a husband wants them to be born. They are born because of what God does.
  • Isaiah 28:16
    So the Lord and King speaks. He says,“ Look! I am laying a stone in Zion. It is a stone that has been tested. It is the most important stone for a firm foundation. The one who depends on that stone will never be shaken.
  • Daniel 7:13-14
    “ In my vision I saw one who looked like a son of man. He was coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Eternal God. He was led right up to him.And he was given authority, glory and a kingdom. People of all nations, no matter what language they spoke, worshiped him. His authority will last forever. It will not pass away. His kingdom will never be destroyed.
  • 1 Peter 2 7
    This stone is very valuable to you who believe. But to people who do not believe,“ The stone the builders did not accept has become the most important stone of all.”( Psalm 118:22)
  • Revelation 19:11-21
    I saw heaven standing open. There in front of me was a white horse. Its rider is called Faithful and True. When he judges or makes war, he is always fair.His eyes are like blazing fire. On his head are many crowns. A name is written on him that only he knows.He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood. His name is the Word of God.The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses. They were dressed in fine linen, white and clean.Coming out of the rider’s mouth is a sharp sword. He will strike down the nations with the sword. Scripture says,“ He will rule them with an iron scepter.”( Psalm 2:9) He stomps on the grapes of God’s winepress. The winepress stands for the terrible anger of the God who rules over all.Here is the name that is written on the rider’s robe and on his thigh. the greatest king of all and the most powerful lord of allI saw an angel standing in the sun. He shouted to all the birds flying high in the air,“ Come! Gather together for the great supper of God.Come and eat the dead bodies of kings, generals, and other mighty people. Eat the bodies of horses and their riders. Eat the bodies of all people, free and slave, great and small.”Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth with their armies. They had gathered together to make war against the rider on the horse and his army.But the beast and the false prophet were captured. The false prophet had done signs for the beast. In this way the false prophet had tricked some people. Those people had received the mark of the beast and had worshiped its statue. The beast and the false prophet were thrown alive into the lake of fire. The lake of fire burns with sulfur.The rest were killed by the sword that came out of the rider’s mouth. All the birds stuffed themselves with the dead bodies.
  • Revelation 17:14
    They will make war against the Lamb. But the Lamb will have victory over them. That’s because he is the most powerful Lord of all and the greatest King of all. His appointed, chosen and faithful followers will be with him.”
  • Matthew 16:18
    Here is what I tell you. You are Peter. On this rock I will build my church. The gates of hell will not be strong enough to destroy it.
  • Revelation 11:15
    The seventh angel blew his trumpet. There were loud voices in heaven. They said,“ The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah. He will rule for ever and ever.”
  • Psalms 110:5-6
    The Lord is at your right hand. He will crush kings on the day when he is angry.He will judge the nations. He will pile up dead bodies on the field of battle. He will crush the rulers of the whole earth.
  • Psalms 118:22
    The stone the builders didn’t accept has become the most important stone of all.
  • Psalms 149:6-9
    May they praise God with their mouths. May they hold in their hands a sword that has two edges.Let them pay the nations back. Let them punish the people of the earth.Let them put the kings of those nations in chains. Let them put their nobles in iron chains.Let them carry out God’s sentence against those nations. This will bring glory to all his faithful people. Praise the Lord.
  • Daniel 7:27
    Then the authority, power and greatness of all the kingdoms on earth will be taken from them. And all they had will be given to the holy people of the Most High God. His kingdom will last forever. Every ruler will worship and obey him.’