Philemon 1:2
We are also sending it to our sister Apphia and to Archippus. He is a soldier of Christ together with us. And we are sending it to the church that meets in your home.
2 Timothy 2 2
You have heard me teach in front of many witnesses. Pass on to people you can trust the things you’ve heard me say. Then they will be able to teach others also.
Acts 20:28
Keep watch over yourselves. Keep watch over all the believers. The Holy Spirit has made you leaders over them. Be shepherds of God’s church. He bought it with his own blood.
1 Corinthians 4 1-1 Corinthians 4 2
So here is how you should think of us. We serve Christ. We are trusted with the mysteries God has shown us.Those who have been given a trust must prove that they are faithful.
2 Chronicles 29 11
My sons, don’t fail to obey the Lord. He has chosen you to stand in front of him and work for him. He wants you to serve him and burn incense to him.”
2 Timothy 4 1-2 Timothy 4 5
I give you a command in the sight of God and Christ Jesus. Christ will judge the living and the dead. Because he and his kingdom are coming, here is the command I give you.Preach the word. Be ready to serve God in good times and bad. Correct people’s mistakes. Warn them. Encourage them with words of hope. Be very patient as you do these things. Teach them carefully.The time will come when people won’t put up with true teaching. Instead, they will try to satisfy their own desires. They will gather a large number of teachers around them. The teachers will say what the people want to hear.The people will turn their ears away from the truth. They will turn to stories that aren’t true.But I want you to keep your head no matter what happens. Don’t give up when times are hard. Work to spread the good news. Do everything God has given you to do.
2 Timothy 1 6
This is why I remind you to help God’s gift grow, just as a small spark grows into a fire. God put his gift in you when I placed my hands on you.
Leviticus 10:3
Then Moses spoke to Aaron. He said,“ That’s what the Lord was talking about when he said,“‘ Among those who approach me I will show that I am holy. In the sight of all the people I will be honored.’ ” So Aaron remained silent.
1 Timothy 6 20
Timothy, guard what God has trusted you with. Turn away from godless chatter. Stay away from opposing ideas that are falsely called knowledge.
1 Timothy 4 14
Don’t fail to use the gift the Holy Spirit gave you. He gave it to you through a prophecy from God. It was given when the elders placed their hands on you.
Acts 1:17
But Judas was one of us. He shared with us in our work for God.”
Ezekiel 44:23-24
The priests must teach my people the difference between what is holy and what is not. They must show them how to tell the difference between what is‘ clean’ and what is not.“ When people do not agree, the priests must serve as judges between them. They must make their decisions based on my laws. They must obey my laws and rules for all my appointed feasts. And they must keep my Sabbath days holy.
Numbers 18:5
“ You will be responsible for taking care of the sacred tent and the altar. Then I will not be angry with the Israelites again.
1 Timothy 6 11-1 Timothy 6 14
But you are a man of God. Run away from all these things. Try hard to do what is right and godly. Have faith, love and gentleness. Hold on to what you believe.Fight the good fight along with all other believers. Take hold of eternal life. You were chosen for it when you openly told others what you believe. Many witnesses heard you.God gives life to everything. Christ Jesus told the truth when he was a witness in front of Pontius Pilate. In the sight of God and Christ, I give you a command.Obey it until our Lord Jesus Christ appears. Obey it completely. Then no one can find fault with it or you.
1 Timothy 4 16
Be careful of how you live and what you believe. Never give up. Then you will save yourself and those who hear you.
1 Timothy 4 6
Point out these things to the brothers and sisters. Then you will serve Christ Jesus well. You will show that you’ve grown in the truths of the faith. You will show that you’ve been trained by the good teaching you’ve obeyed.
Ephesians 4:11
So Christ himself gave the gift of the apostles to the church. He gave the prophets and those who preach the good news. And he also gave the pastors and teachers as a gift to the church.
Acts 14:23
Paul and Barnabas appointed elders for them in each church. The elders had trusted in the Lord. Paul and Barnabas prayed and fasted. They placed the elders in the Lord’s care.