Acts 19:9
But when some became hardened and would not believe, slandering the Way in front of the crowd, he withdrew from them, taking the disciples, and conducted discussions every day in the lecture hall of Tyrannus.
Acts 19:23
About that time there was a major disturbance about the Way.
Acts 24:14
But I admit this to you: I worship the God of my ancestors according to the Way, which they call a sect, believing everything that is in accordance with the law and written in the prophets.
Acts 18:25
He had been instructed in the way of the Lord; and being fervent in spirit, he was speaking and teaching accurately about Jesus, although he knew only John’s baptism.
Acts 24:22
Since Felix was well informed about the Way, he adjourned the hearing, saying,“ When Lysias the commander comes down, I will decide your case.”
Acts 9:14
And he has authority here from the chief priests to arrest all who call on your name.”
Acts 22:4-5
I persecuted this Way to the death, arresting and putting both men and women in jail,as both the high priest and the whole council of elders can testify about me. After I received letters from them to the brothers, I traveled to Damascus to arrest those who were there and bring them to Jerusalem to be punished.
Acts 26:12
“ I was traveling to Damascus under these circumstances with authority and a commission from the chief priests.
Esther 3:8-13
Then Haman informed King Ahasuerus,“ There is one ethnic group, scattered throughout the peoples in every province of your kingdom, keeping themselves separate. Their laws are different from everyone else’s and they do not obey the king’s laws. It is not in the king’s best interest to tolerate them.If the king approves, let an order be drawn up authorizing their destruction, and I will pay 375 tons of silver to the officials for deposit in the royal treasury.”The king removed his signet ring from his hand and gave it to Haman son of Hammedatha the Agagite, the enemy of the Jews.Then the king told Haman,“ The money and people are given to you to do with as you see fit.”The royal scribes were summoned on the thirteenth day of the first month, and the order was written exactly as Haman commanded. It was intended for the royal satraps, the governors of each of the provinces, and the officials of each ethnic group and written for each province in its own script and to each ethnic group in its own language. It was written in the name of King Ahasuerus and sealed with the royal signet ring.Letters were sent by couriers to each of the royal provinces telling the officials to destroy, kill, and annihilate all the Jewish people— young and old, women and children— and plunder their possessions on a single day, the thirteenth day of Adar, the twelfth month.
Acts 6:9
Opposition arose, however, from some members of the Freedmen’s Synagogue, composed of both Cyrenians and Alexandrians, and some from Cilicia and Asia, and they began to argue with Stephen.
Psalms 82:2-4
“ How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked? SelahProvide justice for the needy and the fatherless; uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute.Rescue the poor and needy; save them from the power of the wicked.”
Acts 7:19
He dealt deceitfully with our race and oppressed our ancestors by making them abandon their infants outside so that they wouldn’t survive.
Acts 28:17-22
After three days he called together the leaders of the Jews. When they had gathered he said to them,“ Brothers, although I have done nothing against our people or the customs of our ancestors, I was delivered as a prisoner from Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans.After they examined me, they wanted to release me, since there was no reason for the death penalty in my case.Because the Jews objected, I was compelled to appeal to Caesar; even though I had no charge to bring against my people.For this reason I’ve asked to see you and speak to you. In fact, it is for the hope of Israel that I’m wearing this chain.”Then they said to him,“ We haven’t received any letters about you from Judea. None of the brothers has come and reported or spoken anything evil about you.But we want to hear what your views are, since we know that people everywhere are speaking against this sect.”
Acts 13:14-15
They continued their journey from Perga and reached Pisidian Antioch. On the Sabbath day they went into the synagogue and sat down.After the reading of the Law and the Prophets, the leaders of the synagogue sent word to them, saying,“ Brothers, if you have any word of encouragement for the people, you can speak.”