Acts 15:41
He passed through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the churches.
Acts 22:3
“ I am a Jew, born in Tarsus in Cilicia, but brought up in this city, educated with strictness under Gamaliel according to the law of our ancestors, and was zealous for God just as all of you are today.
Acts 23:34
When the governor had read the letter, he asked what province he was from. When he learned that he was from Cilicia,
Acts 15:23
They sent this letter with them: From the apostles and elders, your brothers, to the Gentile brothers and sisters in Antioch, Syria, and Cilicia, greetings!
Luke 21:12
But before all this, they will seize you and persecute you, handing you over to the synagogues and prisons. You will be brought before kings and governors because of my name.
Acts 2:9-10
Parthians, Medes, Elamites, and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and the province of Asia,Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya near Cyrene, and visitors from Rome,
Acts 18:24
Now a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, arrived in Ephesus. He was an eloquent speaker, well- versed in the scriptures.
Matthew 27:32
As they were going out, they found a man from Cyrene named Simon, whom they forced to carry his cross.
Acts 19:10
This went on for two years, so that all who lived in the province of Asia, both Jews and Greeks, heard the word of the Lord.
Acts 16:6
They went through the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been prevented by the Holy Spirit from speaking the message in the province of Asia.
Matthew 10:17
Beware of people, because they will hand you over to councils and flog you in their synagogues.
Mark 13:9
“ You must watch out for yourselves. You will be handed over to councils and beaten in the synagogues. You will stand before governors and kings because of me, as a witness to them.
Acts 21:27
When the seven days were almost over, the Jews from the province of Asia who had seen him in the temple area stirred up the whole crowd and seized him,
Galatians 1:21
Afterward I went to the regions of Syria and Cilicia.
Matthew 23:34
“ For this reason I am sending you prophets and wise men and experts in the law, some of whom you will kill and crucify, and some you will flog in your synagogues and pursue from town to town,
Acts 13:1
Now there were these prophets and teachers in the church at Antioch: Barnabas, Simeon called Niger, Lucius the Cyrenian, Manaen( a close friend of Herod the tetrarch from childhood) and Saul.
Acts 17:17-18
So he was addressing the Jews and the God- fearing Gentiles in the synagogue, and in the marketplace every day those who happened to be there.Also some of the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers were conversing with him, and some were asking,“ What does this foolish babbler want to say?” Others said,“ He seems to be a proclaimer of foreign gods.”( They said this because he was proclaiming the good news about Jesus and the resurrection.)
Acts 27:5-6
After we had sailed across the open sea off Cilicia and Pamphylia, we put in at Myra in Lycia.There the centurion found a ship from Alexandria sailing for Italy, and he put us aboard it.
Acts 13:45
But when the Jews saw the crowds, they were filled with jealousy, and they began to contradict what Paul was saying by reviling him.
Acts 11:20
But there were some men from Cyprus and Cyrene among them who came to Antioch and began to speak to the Greeks too, proclaiming the good news of the Lord Jesus.
Acts 21:39
Paul answered,“ I am a Jew from Tarsus in Cilicia, a citizen of an important city. Please allow me to speak to the people.”
Acts 26:11
I punished them often in all the synagogues and tried to force them to blaspheme. Because I was so furiously enraged at them, I went to persecute them even in foreign cities.
Acts 19:26
And you see and hear that this Paul has persuaded and turned away a large crowd, not only in Ephesus but in practically all of the province of Asia, by saying that gods made by hands are not gods at all.
Acts 22:19
I replied,‘ Lord, they themselves know that I imprisoned and beat those in the various synagogues who believed in you.
1 Corinthians 1 20
Where is the wise man? Where is the expert in the Mosaic law? Where is the debater of this age? Has God not made the wisdom of the world foolish?