Acts 19:37
For you have brought these men here, who are neither robbers of temples nor blasphemers of your goddess.
Acts 23:10-15
When a great argument arose, the commanding officer, fearing that Paul would be torn in pieces by them, commanded the soldiers to go down and take him by force from among them, and bring him into the barracks.The following night, the Lord stood by him and said,“ Cheer up, Paul, for as you have testified about me at Jerusalem, so you must testify also at Rome.”When it was day, some of the Jews banded together, and bound themselves under a curse, saying that they would neither eat nor drink until they had killed Paul.There were more than forty people who had made this conspiracy.They came to the chief priests and the elders, and said,“ We have bound ourselves under a great curse to taste nothing until we have killed Paul.Now therefore, you with the council inform the commanding officer that he should bring him down to you tomorrow, as though you were going to judge his case more exactly. We are ready to kill him before he comes near.”
John 18:31
Pilate therefore said to them,“ Take him yourselves, and judge him according to your law.” Therefore the Jews said to him,“ It is illegal for us to put anyone to death,”
Acts 21:27-32
When the seven days were almost completed, the Jews from Asia, when they saw him in the temple, stirred up all the multitude and laid hands on him,crying out,“ Men of Israel, help! This is the man who teaches all men everywhere against the people, and the law, and this place. Moreover, he also brought Greeks into the temple, and has defiled this holy place!”For they had seen Trophimus, the Ephesian, with him in the city, and they supposed that Paul had brought him into the temple.All the city was moved and the people ran together. They seized Paul and dragged him out of the temple. Immediately the doors were shut.As they were trying to kill him, news came up to the commanding officer of the regiment that all Jerusalem was in an uproar.Immediately he took soldiers and centurions and ran down to them. They, when they saw the chief captain and the soldiers, stopped beating Paul.
John 19:7-8
The Jews answered him,“ We have a law, and by our law he ought to die, because he made himself the Son of God.”When therefore Pilate heard this saying, he was more afraid.
Acts 24:12
In the temple they didn’t find me disputing with anyone or stirring up a crowd, either in the synagogues, or in the city.
Acts 22:23
As they cried out, threw off their cloaks, and threw dust into the air,