<< 使徒行傳 2:46 >>


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  • New International Version
    Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts,
  • New International Reader's Version
    Every day they met together in the temple courtyard. They ate meals together in their homes. Their hearts were glad and sincere.
  • English Standard Version
    And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts,
  • New Living Translation
    They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity—
  • Christian Standard Bible
    Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple, and broke bread from house to house. They ate their food with joyful and sincere hearts,
  • New American Standard Bible
    Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart,
  • New King James Version
    So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart,
  • American Standard Version
    And day by day, continuing stedfastly with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread at home, they took their food with gladness and singleness of heart,
  • Holman Christian Standard Bible
    Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple complex, and broke bread from house to house. They ate their food with a joyful and humble attitude,
  • King James Version
    And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,
  • New English Translation
    Every day they continued to gather together by common consent in the temple courts, breaking bread from house to house, sharing their food with glad and humble hearts,
  • World English Bible
    Day by day, continuing steadfastly with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread at home, they took their food with gladness and singleness of heart,


  • 使徒行傳 5:42
    他們就每日在殿裏、在家裏不住地教訓人,傳耶穌是基督。 (cunpt)
  • 使徒行傳 20:7
    七日的第一日,我們聚會擘餅的時候,保羅因為要次日起行,就與他們講論,直講到半夜。 (cunpt)
  • 詩篇 86:11
    耶和華啊,求你將你的道指教我;我要照你的真理行;求你使我專心敬畏你的名! (cunpt)
  • 哥林多後書 1:12
    我們所誇的是自己的良心,見證我們憑着神的聖潔和誠實;在世為人不靠人的聰明,乃靠神的恩惠,向你們更是這樣。 (cunpt)
  • 使徒行傳 16:34
    於是禁卒領他們上自己家裏去,給他們擺上飯。他和全家,因為信了神,都很喜樂。 (cunpt)
  • 使徒行傳 2:42
    都恆心遵守使徒的教訓,彼此交接,擘餅,祈禱。 (cunpt)
  • 使徒行傳 1:13-14
    進了城,就上了所住的一間樓房;在那裏有彼得、約翰、雅各、安得烈、腓力、多馬、巴多羅買、馬太、亞勒腓的兒子雅各、奮銳黨的西門,和雅各的兒子猶大。這些人同着幾個婦人和耶穌的母親馬利亞,並耶穌的弟兄,都同心合意地恆切禱告。 (cunpt)
  • 尼希米記 8:10
    又對他們說:「你們去吃肥美的,喝甘甜的,有不能預備的就分給他,因為今日是我們主的聖日。你們不要憂愁,因靠耶和華而得的喜樂是你們的力量。」 (cunpt)
  • 羅馬書 12:8
    或作勸化的,就當專一勸化;施捨的,就當誠實;治理的,就當殷勤;憐憫人的,就當甘心。 (cunpt)
  • 路加福音 24:53
    常在殿裏稱頌神。 (cunpt)
  • 哥林多前書 11:20-22
    你們聚會的時候,算不得吃主的晚餐;因為吃的時候,各人先吃自己的飯,甚至這個飢餓,那個酒醉。你們要吃喝,難道沒有家嗎?還是藐視神的教會,叫那沒有的羞愧呢?我向你們可怎麼說呢?可因此稱讚你們嗎?我不稱讚! (cunpt)
  • 申命記 16:11
    你和你兒女、僕婢,並住在你城裏的利未人,以及在你們中間寄居的與孤兒寡婦,都要在耶和華-你神所選擇立為他名的居所,在耶和華-你的神面前歡樂。 (cunpt)
  • 歌羅西書 3:22
    你們作僕人的,要凡事聽從你們肉身的主人,不要只在眼前事奉,像是討人喜歡的,總要存心誠實敬畏主。 (cunpt)
  • 傳道書 9:7
    你只管去歡歡喜喜吃你的飯,心中快樂喝你的酒,因為神已經悅納你的作為。 (cunpt)
  • 路加福音 24:30
    到了坐席的時候,耶穌拿起餅來,祝謝了,擘開,遞給他們。 (cunpt)
  • 馬太福音 6:22
    「眼睛就是身上的燈。你的眼睛若瞭亮,全身就光明; (cunpt)
  • 哥林多前書 10:30-31
    我若謝恩而吃,為甚麼因我謝恩的物被人毀謗呢?所以,你們或吃或喝,無論做甚麼,都要為榮耀神而行。 (cunpt)
  • 使徒行傳 3:1
    申初禱告的時候,彼得、約翰上聖殿去。 (cunpt)
  • 使徒行傳 5:21
    使徒聽了這話,天將亮的時候就進殿裏去教訓人。大祭司和他的同人來了,叫齊公會的人和以色列族的眾長老,就差人到監裏去,要把使徒提出來。 (cunpt)
  • 路加福音 11:41
    只要把裏面的施捨給人,凡物於你們就都潔淨了。 (cunpt)
  • 申命記 12:7
    在那裏,耶和華-你們神的面前,你們和你們的家屬都可以吃,並且因你手所辦的一切事蒙耶和華-你的神賜福,就都歡樂。 (cunpt)
  • 申命記 12:12
    你們和兒女、僕婢,並住在你們城裏無分無業的利未人,都要在耶和華-你們的神面前歡樂。 (cunpt)
  • 哥林多後書 11:3
    我只怕你們的心或偏於邪,失去那向基督所存純一清潔的心,就像蛇用詭詐誘惑了夏娃一樣。 (cunpt)
  • 以弗所書 6:5
    你們作僕人的,要懼怕戰兢,用誠實的心聽從你們肉身的主人,好像聽從基督一般。 (cunpt)